Chapter 23

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"Rachel, you need to get up. You have to register for classes today and finish getting everything for school. Get up and come eat breakfast." Her mom had been trying to wake her and now was demanding Rachel wake as she knocked on the door and walked away.

"OK, ok, ok mom I am up. Be in there in a few minutes." Mornings were not Rachel's favorite time of the day. She pulled her covers over her head and wanted desperately to go back to dreaming about Ryan and last night, but she knew better than to keep testing her mom's patience. She dragged herself out of bed and to the bathroom where she washed her face and pulled her hair into a ponytail.

Rachel went to hug and kiss her parents good morning then took her seat at the kitchen table. Her dad handed her a glass of tea and a plate, "did you enjoy your carriage ride last night?"

"How did ya'll know about that? Did Ryan already come by this morning?" Rachel was very confused.

Mom's face was in a curious smile as she spoke. "Honey, Ryan asked us last night if you could be home later and told us his plan. I was very impressed that he asked. So, you two seem to be getting even closer. What's going on with you two?" Yep, mom was getting right to the point even though she already figured everything out.

Rachel continued to chew her food and tried not to choke, as she thought of an appropriate answer. She was not sure what she should say. "Yeah, he has been really sweet. We went to Landry's for dinner. Then, he took me to Café Expresso for my favorite dessert to go since he had planned on having dessert on the carriage ride. Well, ya'll know about the carriage part." Her parents were grinning from ear to ear as they looked at her. "But, he told me he has to leave tomorrow. Guess I am just glad to have the time we can."

Her mom noticed her eyes were starting to tear up so she decided to change the subject a little. Her dad and mom were looking at their baby girl and realizing that she was falling in love for the first real time, even if Rachel did not admit to it yet. The reality was overwhelming and they prayed Ryan would truly treat her with the respect and love she deserved. "Just be careful, Rachel. Anyway, you have to be at school to register by 11:00 this morning and get the rest of your supplies. On your way home from registration I want you to stop by the beauty shop."

"Alright, mom, I will." Rachel responded then began to clean up the dishes as her parents left for work. She hated that Ryan was leaving tomorrow and wanted to spend all the time she could with him. She wondered if Ryan would want to go with her today so she decided to send him a text before she stepped into the shower.

Ryan woke up early as usual so he could get in his morning run. He ran past Rachel's house and wanted so badly to stop by and talk to her parents just in case she was up, but he wanted her to rest. All he could think about was his Rach and how he had to leave her tomorrow. He wished he could slow down time so he could stay with her or fast forward to the end of his 4 years, but it is what it is.  He and gran talked again and she knew he would be spending all his remaining time with Rach, so all he needed to do now was take a shower then he would call her.

As he grabbed his towel to dry off, he heard his phone ding on the bed. He wrapped the towel around him and picked up his phone from the bed.

Good morning, handsome! I hope you slept well. Thank you again for last night. I wanted to see what you were doing today. I have to register later this morning and finish getting some school stuff. Do you want to go with me and hang out today? I would like you to but I understand that you may have lots to do before you leave tomorrow so if you can't, it's ok. Getting in the shower and will check back in a bit. Miss you. Xo Rach

A smile made its way across his face as he read her message. His mind immediately read the words "getting in the shower" over and over. He had to tell himself to calm down and take a deep breath. Getting himself all worked up could ruin everything. He continued to read her message and laughed at how funny she was. She was crazy if she thought his last day would be spent anywhere else but with her. He sent her a reply.

Good morning to you beautiful. Yes, I want to go with you and so you know I plan on being with you all day today. Of course, that is if you are ok with it. XOXO Ryan

Rachel was fixing her hair when she saw Ryan had sent her a text back. She was nervous to see his response because even if she understood if he was unavailable, she was still going to be disappointed. Her eyes smiled as she read his message and then she sent one back.

I was hoping you would say that! Give me about 20 minutes and I will be down to pick you up.

Ryan read her message but was so anxious to see her he started walking to her house as he texted.

20 minutes is too long to wait to see you so I decided to walk down. See you in 5!!

Rachel quickly put her clothes on and grabbed all the necessary papers she would need for registration today as well as her keys and purse. Locking the door to the house, she turned right into Ryan and let out a little scream. She was startled but started smiling and let out a light laugh as she took him in.

He picked her up and spun her around, kissing her lips softly as he put her down. "I missed you Rach. This is for you." He slid a pink daisy with a short stem behind her ear and kissed her cheek. "Perfect. Now let's get you registered." He opened her door for her and took his place in the passenger seat.

"Do you have a daisy garden or something? I love these and am going to miss getting such pretty flowers all the time. You know you have spoiled me right?" Rachel loved that he gave her flowers. Just a single stem each time but they were perfect. She wanted to say something about his leaving but decided to enjoy today. Tomorrow will be here soon enough. "So you sure you are up to school registration? I hope they don't think you are my dad." She laughed.

"Wait just a minute young lady, I am not that old. Geez, Rach I don't have any grey hair yet." Ryan scolded Rach then he placed his hand on her leg as she drove. They exchanged laughter and continued to school.

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