Chapter 53

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*Caution: Deals with intimate issues. Not too graphic but be aware* Updated****

The entire drive to the dance, Ryan held Rachel's left hand in his and would look her way then shake his head. When they pulled into the parking lot at school, Rachel was starting to feel self conscious because of his shaking his head the whole way, but she did not want to ruin the moment.

Her door opened as a hand extended to help her out. She took her purse in hand and draped her grey shawl around her to shield some of the cold December air. Rachel kept her eyes down as she moved away from the truck, but Ryan stopped her and brought her close to him. "Rach, what's wrong sweetheart?"

She was unsure of the words to say but tried. "I am nervous that you don't want to be here with me because you kept shaking your head every time you looked at me in the truck and didn't say a word."

Ryan was shocked. His doe eyed Rach had no clue that he was rendered speechless at her beauty. "Come here baby. Look at me." He held her gaze. "I shook my head because I couldn't get over how stunningly gorgeous you look tonight and that you were in my truck. Rach, I couldn't think straight enough to form words. And, you need to listen to this very closely. I do not want to be anywhere else or with anyone else but you. Do you understand?"

Rachel's veil of fear lifted as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his lips. "Thank you Ryan. I don't want to be anywhere else or with anyone else but you either. Let's get this show on the road. And, just so you know, you look hot!" Ryan kissed her cheek and locked their hands together as they walked to the gym.

Stepping through the doors, Rachel could see the lights reflect off the icy spheres as they dangled from the ceiling. As cliché as it is, the Christmas dance was ice themed complete with large ice sculptures with dry ice smoking around them. It was quite beautiful actually and Rachel could have been a model for the occasion as she fit in perfectly.

"It is beautiful in here. Let's find Amy and get some food, I am getting hungry." Rachel suggested to Ryan as he lead her through the crowd of people. Amy had her back to the door and didn't notice Rachel and Ryan until she heard a loud throat clearing.

Amy's eyes widened when she saw Rachel. "What have you done to my best friend? Rachel oh my goodness you look..."

"Hot! I think that is the term you are looking for." Ryan interjected as he took Rachel's shawl and placed it on her chair along with her purse.

"Hey let's all go get our pictures taken now while we look fresh and gorgeous." Amy directed as she and the other few friends of theirs made their way to the photo line.

Rachel stood in line in front of Ryan and gently rested on his chest as he snaked his arms around her. His chin rested on her shoulder and his breath tickled her ear, driving her crazy. He spoke into her ear softly. "Are you feeling any better?" She nodded and smiled. She felt like a princess there with her Prince Charming.

Their turn came for pictures and Amy had one made of just her and Rachel then the whole group, before Rachel and Ryan were able to have theirs alone. The photographer smiled at the young couple. "Ok you two love birds. Let's see what you got."

Ryan took Rachel in his arms and kissed her without permission and Amy went nuts. Rachel was slightly embarrassed and happy all at once. The next two poses were basically Ryan with his arms around Rachel while looking at the camera then while he placed a kiss on her head.

The group decided it was time to eat. Dances at this school always meant a yummy selection of food on the buffet. The dance committee worked off the philosophy that more people would show if good food was served, since it helped cut down the cost of a fancy dinner and it helped people socialize and relax in order to enjoy the dance.

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