Chapter 22

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It had been about 3 hours since Ryan left and Lana should be coming soon to get Jack. Rachel cleaned the house and cooked supper. She knew her parents had been working hard today and a little sucking up might help ensure she could go out with Ryan tonight.

About 5:30pm her parents walked into the house as Jack came running into the kitchen. "Momma I played with the dinosaurs and Wyan climbed the maze and was scared and Uncle Wyan saved me. It was so funny." Jack's giggles are infectious.

"Sounds like you had fun. Rach thanks for taking care of Jack. I appreciate it," Lana said as she stepped around the corner. She was proud of her little sister and grateful that she had helped her out despite what Rachel really wanted. Lana knew that Rachel had crushed on Ryan forever and hoped that he did not break her heart.

"Mom, Ryan wanted to take me out tonight. Is that ok?" Rachel politely and calmly asked her mom.

After looking back and forth at her dad, they nodded their heads in agreement. Rachel hugged them both then ran to her bedroom to call Ryan. "Ryan, hey, they said I can go out if you still want to."

"Seriously, Rach, if I want to? Can you be ready in 30 minutes? And wear a dress?" He hoped that she would be ok with leaving sooner but he would wait if he had to.

"Well, I guess I can. Wear a dress? Ok, see ya in 30." Rachel hung up the phone and was in the shower before she realized she had not told him good bye. She was too excited to see him. Her closet seemed to betray her when it came to finding a dress, but then she found a soft blue and white sleeveless dress that she forgot she even owned. It still had the tags on it. She could not help but let her mind wander on where he was taking her tonight. Looking at the clock she realized she had 15 minutes before he was to pick her up, so she hustled to fix her hair and put on her makeup.

Ryan hung up the phone with the restaurant and made another call to arrange for a special surprise. He was taking her downtown to Landry's for dinner then thought they would go to Cafe Expresso for dessert to go and take a carriage ride through downtown and the riverpark. He had picked up another pink daisy and could not wait to see her smile and feel her in his arms. Ryan hoped the night would make having to talk to her about his leaving in two days a bit easier. He did not want to lose her and prayed she would still want to be in a relationship despite the distance.

Ryan arrived a few minutes early as usual so he could talk to mom and dad before leaving. Mom gave him a huge hug and told him how handsome he looked and reminded him to take care of their baby girl.

"Mrs. Taylor, you know I would do anything to keep Rach safe and to make her happy. I wanted to ask if you would not mind if we were a little past her curfew. I have a carriage ride planned and the last reservation I could get wasn't until 9:30 and it's an hour ride. I can cancel if you rather me have her back by 11."

Rachel's parents looked at each other as if silently talking about what to do. They were always so cute like this and seemed to be able have world changing conversations without uttering a word. "Ryan," Rachel's dad started, "promise me you guys will be careful when you are downtown because I do not like her being down there with all the crazy drunks, but if you promise then just make sure she gets home by midnight. Take care of her."

"Yes sir. Thank you all so much and I promise on my life. When she comes out, please keep it between us as it is a surprise." He hugged her mom and shook her dad's hand in appreciation. He was so very glad that they trusted him but he knew that would only last until he screwed up, so no mistakes here.

Ryan continued to chit chat with the parents when he heard footsteps. He turned to see her fidgeting a little with her dress. Rach was amazing. The blue dress made her blue eyes the center of attention and everyone could see how she was glowing. "Wow, Rach you look spectacular." The only words Ryan could say spilled from his lips. He wanted to hug and kiss his girlfriend but he kept his cool. "Shall we go?"

Rachel's Turnحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن