Chapter 43

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****Enjoy and please comment. I need to know what you like and don't like. As always, thank you for reading and remember it all needs editing :)****

Rachel's dad grabbed her suitcase and bag from the trunk as Rachel's mom spoke to her baby girl, "Alright sweetie. You have your phone and charger? Here is some extra money in case of an emergency. I wish we could be there honey, but we will be thinking of you. Be safe you hear me young lady! We are OK with you having fun but promise that you will stay in a group at all times and call me when you get to the hotel. I am so proud of you." Her mom hugged her tight and tighter. She was so proud of her little girl.

"Mom, I promise I will be safe. You don't have to worry too much. I will stay with a group and will not talk to strangers. I have my phone, charger and money." Rachel hugged her mom and dad as they stood with her in front of the school.

An annoying and familiar voice interrupted their good bye. "Don't worry Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, I will make sure nothing happens to Rachel. I will drive carefully."

"Oh, Cole." Mrs. Taylor walked to him and gave him a hug as well. "You better be extremely careful and take care of my baby girl."

"Mom really? Enough I will be fine." Rachel sighed hoping they would go home so she could get this trip over with.

"It's ok. I will take good care of her and I know how to drive with precious cargo." Cole stated playfully as Rachel's parents waved good bye and drove off.

"Precious cargo? Really? That was the lamest thing I have ever heard." Rachel tried to contain her laughter but for whatever reason, Cole's words and the whole interaction with her parents was hilarious to her.

"Well, I would want whomever is driving my daughter to know that she is important and precious." Cole shook his head at Rachel and then took her suitcase. "Come on let's get your stuff in the my car. Randy is already passed out in the back seat so looks like you got shot gun."

So far this was not working out the way Rachel hoped, but she was determined to stay positive. Cole had a black Jeep Grand Cherokee so thankfully there was plenty of room in the front seat and back seat. Randy was definitely passed out like Cole said. Stretched across the entire back seat sleeping with his music, pillow and blanket. Rachel hoped she would be able to mimic Randy's behavior in order to make it through the trip.

"If you want, there are bottles of water and soda's in the cooler in the back. Help yourself. Um, a Rachel?" Cole was nervous around her ever since she confronted him. The thought that she might still have feelings for him confused him but excited him at the same time, but he wanted to call a truce for the trip.

"Yeah?" Rachel answered as she took a water bottle from the cooler and closed the lid.

"Um look, I know that last we talked it was rather nuts so I wanted to give you this as a peace offering and a promise to be cool this weekend. I want all of us to have a good time and enjoy this opportunity. So, here, I had the Mrs. Lynn in the cafeteria give me a few just the way you like them for the trip." Cole gave her the bag of chocolate chip cookies then continued to situate the cooler and close the door.

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