Chapter 25

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The past few days have been surreal for Ryan and the reality that he was leaving Rach behind to face all the questions and pressure from her sister Sara was almost unbearable. He had to talk to Sara before tonight for Rach's sake and his. Sara needed to know how serious he was about Rach so she could accept their relationship or at least be happy for them. He decided to call Sara.

Sara was busy finishing up a batch of chocolate chip oatmeal cookies to bring to dinner when she heard her phone ringing. "Hello?"

"Hey Sara, it's Ryan."

"It's about time you called me. I guess you are leaving tomorrow, huh?" Sara was glad to hear from Ryan but she still had a nagging feeling that something was not right.

"Yep, I have to head out tomorrow.  Your mom and my grandmother have outdone themselves it sounds like having dinner tonight. But, Sara, I need to talk to you before tonight. Are you where we could meet now?"

Sara knew she was right that something was up but was glad he still trusted her to confide in her. "Well, I am finishing up baking cookies for tonight. You can come on over here if you want. Or, I will have to meet you on my way later."

Ryan really did not want to wait. "Ok, text me your address and I will head on over. Thank you."

"Ok, but Ryan, is everything ok? What's going on?" Sara inquired.

Ryan did not want to give her the information on the phone because he knew that she would call Rach before he got there and that might ruin everything. "Nothing is wrong. I just need to talk to you and ask a favor. I will see you in twenty. Bye."

Ryan took his keys and before he knew it he was heading down the interstate toward Sara's. His mind tried to compose the best way to approach Sara and make her see that he cared for her little sister. His thoughts were interrupted when his phone rang. The caller ID read IDIOT. "Hey Warren, did you miss me already?" Ryan teased.

"Dude, you know I missed you the second you drove off. But for real man, did you tap that hot tight...."

Ryan angrily interrupted him, "WARREN!!! I told you to NEVER speak that way about Rach. I mean it dude stop. And it's not like that anyway. We are actually dating now if you must know. But, what do you want?"

It wasn't Warren's fault that he is an idiot, hence his name on Ryan's phone. Warren only thinks with his pants, but he could hear Ryan was pissed and if he wanted Ryan to give him a ride to base, he better fix it. "Man, I was just joking. I am sorry and will not do it again. And, that's great I am glad you two finally got together. Listen, I need a ride to base. My buddy was coming through Memphis for work so he is bringing me that far, so...can I ride back with you?"

Ryan was almost to Sara's house and did not really have time to deal with him, but it sounded like he did not have much choice. "Well, I guess, but we need to leave in the morning by 8:30am ok? What time will you be in town?"

"Actually, we are about 30-45 minutes from Memphis now. Think your grandmother would let me crash on the couch tonight so I can be there in the morning?"

Ryan ran his hand down his face as Warren spoke. This is not what he needed to deal with right now. Knowing he would have to bring Warren to dinner and meet the family was just not on the agenda, especially meeting Rach. No one would mind if he was around, but Ryan did not want Warren's stupidity and loose tongue to hurt Rach or her family.

With a deep breath, Ryan did what he had to do. "Alright, but call me as soon as you get to town because Rach's mom and my grandmother are having a going away dinner for me tonight and you are coming. BUT, listen to me, you better be on your best behavior, understand? These people are my family and if you say anything weird or sexual to Rach, well, trust me you do not want to know what I will do to you. Understand?"

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