Chapter 9

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      Never in the history of time have two people been happier to see the waitress coming with the bill. In true gentleman fashion, he insisted upon paying the bill and she knew better than to protest. He walked around and pulled her chair out for her and offered her his arm as they headed to the exit. She had waited so long for this time with him and he seemed like he was actually having a good time with her. And, he was seeing her for the first time? She must be dreaming. What would her sister have to say? Ok, that was dumb, she knew the answer.

 As they walked to the car, she was focused on his hand on her lower back guiding her, until she heard a painful sound," Rachel is that you? What are you doing out and who is this with you?" It was Brandy, a popular girl from school and a bunch of her friends. She looked at Ryan then looked at me as if she was confused. Ryan is hot and yes it is amazing that the universe would let him be seen in public with me.

     Rachel started to answer when Ryan smoothly put his arm around Rachel's waist and pulled her tight to him and kissed her head as he looked at Brandy and said, "I am Ryan, her boyfriend and I hate to be rude but I just got in town from being in Iraq and I need some time with my girl. Have a great night and it was nice to meet you."

     Brandy and her friends looked as if someone had just told them that the Hollister was not going to make clothes any longer. Rachel let Ryan open her car door for her. When he climbed in the passenger side, she looked at him half embarrassed about the situation. "That was awkward but great. You were terrific and the gossip wheel's going to be turning now." She noticed that he didn't really laugh," Are you ok? I am sorry that put you on the spot and we should have just kept walking."


  "No Rach it is fine, I am not upset with you, but I wanted so badly to set those little girls straight" he was obviously irritated, "I cannot believe that they were so rude to you. I cannot stand for anyone to mistreat my girl."


 He said it again. He just called himself my boyfriend and then called me his girl? He kissed me on my head? What is going on here? Rachel did not know what to say so she just let it go and started driving away. He finally said," I am sorry for getting upset. I am having a great time with you." With that he put his hand on hers and gently stroked her hand. If she wasn't driving she would have melted in the floor.


 They pulled into his grandmother's house and she started to tell him that she had a great time, but he reached over and turned off the car. He walked around to her door and helped her out of her car. This night was getting rather strange, okay the entire day had been. They walked to the back of his truck and she sat on the tail gate as he walked around.


  "You know Ryan; I had a great time with you tonight. I still can't believe you are here and actually went out to dinner with me. It was great. Thank you. And to think I have been so worried about losing you while you were deployed, that I never took into consideration that a piece of steak could take you out." Rachel giggled as she spoke those words and thankfully he started to laugh too.  If she only knew, it was her sweet sound of satisfaction mad him choke.


  "Rach, hope you realize how thankful for you I am. Tonight was wonderful and I wish it did not have to end. You are more amazing than I even realized." Her eyes enchanted him and before words could escape her mouth, Ryan realized that he could not hold back anymore and kissing her was the only way to soothe the need he had for her. He had watched her lips move all night and craved a taste.

 He should stop himself from ruining everything and lead her to the car, but he had to take this chance.  He stepped in front of her and stole away her breath with a kiss. Her lips were soft and smooth and the way she let out a faint whimper as he kissed her made him want to keep kissing her. Rachel froze when his lips touched hers.


 Ok this is not a dream, Rachel. This is for real, Ryan is actually kissing you. His lips are so warm and soft and he smells so good.  So this is what people say when something is so wrong but feels so right? What is I am doing it wrong? Why is he kissing me?


  He slid her off the back of the truck and placed his hands on her face and his head on her forehead, "Rach, I hope I have not over stepped myself, but I can't take my eyes off of you and I don't want to let you go. Thank you for asking me to dinner and being so damn amazing." Hearing his words and feeling his hands on her face and body against hers was almost too much. Her daydreams were now reality, but what did all of it mean?


 She let her hands slide up his chest, memorizing how he felt, his heart beating as fast as hers. "I have to go Ryan." He knew she needed to go and they needed to talk but all he wanted right now was to feel her body against his and wrap his arms around her. He walked her to the car, tilted her head up and saved her thoughts with another kiss before telling her he would call her in about 10 minutes if that was ok.

As she drove down the street to her house, Lady Antebellum's song Just A Kiss played through the speakers.

"Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight,

Just a touch of the fire burning so bright

No I don't want to mess this thing up

I don't want to push too far

Just a shot in the dark that you just might

Be the one I've been waiting for my whole life

So baby I'm alright, with just a kiss goodnight."


  What just happened? She felt like she was on fire and her happiness was causing her to glow like a sunburst. She was sure that anyone who looked at her at this moment could see that she had just kissed Ryan. What do I tell mom and daddy? I know they will be waiting?


  She quietly walked into the house and heard her mom call out for her to come back to their room, this was typical procedure when she came home from being out. "So how did it go? Did ya'll go to Grady's for dinner?" her mom inquired. Mom may not have asked many questions, but her looks commanded more details. "Yes we did go to Grady's and of course we ran into Brandy and some other girls from school. They were their usual selves and I am sure the gossip mill will be turning out all sorts of stuff." With that Rachel kissed her mom goodnight and went to her room, since Ryan said he was going to call.

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