Chapter 47

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"Rachel, honey, get up! You have to leave in 45 minutes for school or you will be late!!!" Her mom yelled as she banged on the door.

Stretching her arms above her head and yawning, Rachel begrudgingly threw her covers back and started to get out of bed. She checked her phone for the time and sure enough her mom was right. There were 2 missed messages.

Hey, Rach. I am glad you got home safe. I did not want to call you since you needed to sleep, so let's make it a date for tonight ok, baby? I miss you. Have a great day beautiful!- Ryan xoxoxo

Good morning handsome! I can't wait for our phone date. I have missed them and you too. Have a great day too. XOXOXO Rachel

Finishing her text to Ryan she opened the next one that was from Cole. She momentarily forgot that she had given him her number when they got to Nashville in case she got separated from the group.

Rachel, just wanted to tell you thanks for a great day. I really enjoyed hanging with you.-Cole

Seeing no need to reply since she would see him in class later, she smiled then continued to shower and prepare for the day.

Walking to her locker, she spotted her best friend. Amy was talking to some other students but practically pushed them away as she ran like a mad woman to Rachel.

Lightly slapping Rachel's arm she began. "OMG, seriously, I am your best freaking friend and I had to hear about this on the radio? Really? I had no idea you sounded so good and dang girl you and Cole have some chemistry."

Rubbing her freshly semi-bruised arm, Rachel made her way to her locker and exchanged the first books she needed. "You slapped me! And, what do you mean you heard me on the radio? Oh, Tiffany must have already run her mouth about the weekend. Great!"

"No, actually, yours and Coles karaoke performance was on the stinking radio this morning. Did you not listen to the radio this morning? It seems that you and Cole were the topic of conversation as the best performance at the karaoke night Saturday. The entire radio show talked about you and said ya'll were like the next country music couple. Rachel, they have the performance on their website. It's awesome!"

Rachel was not sure how to respond. Sure, she was excited but now people are going to think her and Cole are together. At least Ryan won't hear about it, but she would have to tell him tonight along with a few other things. She was getting frustrated at the thought of having to bring Cole up again especially after Ryan's message that made it seem they are getting back to normal. The bell rang and it was off to homeroom.

Taking a seat in her first class, Rachel felt eyes on her and heard snickers and comments coming from none other than the stuck up bimbo's that always gave her trouble. She managed to keep her cool and get through class and the next few classes until lunch. After lunch was choir and she needed to talk to Cole.

"Rachel, I heard your performance this weekend was really great. We are all proud of the choir, and I hope you don't waste that voice of yours. It was so nice to hear one of my kids on the radio." Miss Travis beamed with pride as she gave Rachel nachos. She muttered a slight thank you and made her way to the table her and Amy usually used even if Amy would not be there today..

Again, all eyes seemed to be on Rachel. She tried to eat as fast as she could since Amy was not there. All of a sudden, her hair stood up on her neck as she felt a strong stare then heard the hateful voice of her nemesis, Brandy. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? Looks like Cole finally gave in and gave you a crumb because you are so pathetic. Don't think for one second that just because Cole is being nice to you that he actually means it. I mean come on Rachel. You? It's rather pathetic that you think you have a boyfriend. I knew Ryan was just a joke. Who would want you?"

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