younger days,

4 0 0

Do you remember, when we were younger?

And our issues still seemed like adventures and quests.

Instead of questions if it will end?

Maybe one day, it will be the same.


The gang were reading, a nice quiet moment.
Eddie leaning his head on his new found sister's leg.
While the coyote cousins sandwiched Shadow into a bear hug.

"It's nice to have a moment like this duncha think?" Eddie smiles up at Ember who just snorts.

"Sure, better from chasing and being chased by pale sociopaths." Ember grins and flicks the page of her book.

Cassidy closes her eyes and smiles, "for sure, ya know it's almost like everything we did was worth it."

Caramel shakes his head and shrugs, "almost."

Shadow looks at peace, his head focused on his book. But something looks off, he gasps and slowly pulls out a picture from the book.


This catches the gang's attention and they all loom over the book, only to be sucked into pages!


"Where, HOW-" Cassidy panics and starts trying to escape wherever they went.

Shadow's eyes are simply widened and Ember accepts her fate.

"WHERE ARE WE?" Eddie's jaw drops onto the ground.

But a smaller voice screams almost the EXACT same words! And the deer almost snaps his head around to see a fawn with a red sweater staring at him.

"Whoa," Shadow gasps and leans down to stare, "he looks...."

Cassidy who was peeking at something from behind a tree  finishes Shadow's sentence for him, "like me..."

Baby Cas and Cassidy peek at each-other both blinking slowly when they first meet. Both seem to be okay and exchange thumbs ups.

A blue boy appears from a bush, in charming little overalls glaring up his clone.

Both blue boys, one young and the other older both smile and wave at each-other. Theres only two blue boys in the world, and they know this! Both Shadows recognize who they are.

But as everyone meets their twin, everyone BURSTS with questions!

"What's up with your hair?"
"What's up with YOUR HAIR?"
"Wow, that's me?"
"What an emo,"
"Watch it-"
"I hope I don't grow up to be like t-"

"STOPPPPPP!" Current Cassidy screeches, "look, this is strange but- how about we all split up with our selves. . . That way we can understand more?" She awkwardly smiles as everyone stares blankly at her.

"Sounds good-" Baby Ember shrugs and kicks a rock away while holding hands with young Caramel.

"Righto!" Bambi stomps and immediately struts up to Eddie.

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