game ; early death

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No one knows where Eddie is.

If you listen closely you can hear his desperate cries for help.

You can hear the twitches of his eyes,

The tearing of his flesh, and the pricking needles piercing flesh.

Was he left alone?

Or maybe he wanted this to happen.

The only one that knows is the abandoned library; empty and clouded with dust. A single candle glows in the dark. And a beautiful picture of Beatrice is sitting in-front of a chair.

Her blue eyes are almost life like; staring straight forward with a permanent smile. But there is something she must confess. She misses her brother very dearly, yearning to be united.

The candle is blown out.

Pale hands hold large antlers.

A smile is on the hunter's face, after-all it was his biggest catch. A hanging limp face hovers above the picture. Eyes so close to leaking out their sockets. Needles stuck in the corner of his mouth.

So he can match her.

The deer's mouth hangs open partly, few needles almost pop from the sides. A permanent smile is what will stay on it's face.

They place them directly over the doe's picture, the two are finally together again.

But somewhere, the rest of the stag's body rots alone in the woods, maggots make homes inside the dents in it's limp body.

It was chased, and no one can help it.

Running until it's sweaty body collapsed, arrows reaching for it's crying face.

Once one struck it's face, it fell and limped to the dirt.

Soon he was caught, and with the help of several arrows his jaw clacks open. The rest of his body is made to be eaten by those who are hungry enough.

He is deformed now, his face holding the weapons like a pin cushion. His eyes will never close, and you will never find him. His soul will lurk, until there is nothing left.

Twitching eyes,
hanging mouth,
permanent smiles.

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