Cupid ; Early death

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The gang are all venturing through the forest, carefully trying to not snap on any trees as they pass through.

But little do they know, someone else has the same plan.

A snap.

Cassidy turns around to check if it was simply one of her friends, but when she sees nothing behind her she simply shrugs.

But Shadow sees something she doesn't, and as a pale bone like hand drags her backward Cassidy is tugged through the dirt far behind them.

"CASSIDY!" Caramel turns right back around to try to grab Cassidy's paw but a glare makes him back down.

Cassidy tries catching up with them, but sadly for her it's been too late.

A boot trips her, making her sadly fall much too far behind.

Ember reaches out to grab her hand, but the the faceless one pulls back an arrow threatening her to try.

Too late.

Cassidy begs for her life, it is not enough

A sharpened reckoning arrow aims for her heart, successful in a way that causes a blood wrenching cry of pain to escape.

Cassidy sobs and falls face first, reaching for her blunted chest. Blood clings to her paws, and her life leaves her eyes first. But even when her eyes close, her heart tries to give life still.

It gives pitiful pumps of life; but she is beyond dead.

Cassidy's dead body has given love enough for all of us, even her murderer feels a light joy for her lifeless figure.

Pale hands crack open her heaving body, tearing her middle apart to collect the most powerful part of her.

Her Heart.

Still beating.

Blood splurges from her still limp mouth, her body does all the coughing for her.

You cannot see her face, but maybe she is smiling for the love given to her.

Cupid has worked it's magic.

And Cassidy is going to spread her love in the afterlife too.

Cassidy is left with her heart gone, and the rest of her body empty, a silent void that can no longer love or give.

Except to him.

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