Treat ; early death

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Woods, is where the gang are now. Thin trees that reach all the way to the dark sky loom over them; and sweat leads it's way down the teen's faces.

The sounds of chewing and snapping whisper from darkened parts of the woods.

"Do you hear that?" Eddie grips his jacket close to him, "we gotta go- who knows when he'll get back. . ."

Ember opens her mouth to speak, but a thin hand drags her neck away from the gang.

"EMBER?" Shadow  calls out, they all rush to grab one her limbs to drag her back.

But back away when the  the walking corpse is revealed to be  holding Ember by her neck in one hand.

And an awaiting, foreboding  sword in the other.

The faded boy was eating something, a sweet candy with a caramel core.

"Let her go," Caramel orders, taking one look at Ember's  face was enough to know they had to do something quick.

Or he did, at-least.

Caramel made the mistake of trying to save Ember, tackling her captor.

But this was his plan, how foolish of him.

The blade cuts through him, slicing his ribs into two beautiful halves.

Intestines  burst and flow immediately, while the mutt's face stays in a horrified paused scream.

It's like a rush of euphoria for Rinare, actually getting his way. And soon one graze isn't enough.

A sliver of a smile shows on a pale face as he swings the katana over and over, abusing the canine's torn corpse.

What is left of Caramel falls to the ground.

A blue eye.

A head.

A  left arm.

A tail.

Pieces of skin, all fall gracefully to the ground, but none of this bother's Rinney. For he is still eating his chocolate, enjoying the caramel center.

One bite after the other, the pale husk leaves all five children standing in shock. Picking up his pieces and trying to put him back together.

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