open your eyes.

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Lucas lifts a small rock ,

"Not here !" He turns to Karen, with a scared look on his face, "maybe we should go, Emmett is still missing!"

Lucas giggles, "Kare-Bear he's FINE, we're just here to explore, will it help if I do this?"

He links their arms together, and Karen rolls her eyes with no real annoyance.

They keep moving.

But then, they hear humming, a bright yellow light shines behind a mirror, and they both step in.

But Lucas? He was so curious he needed to get a closer look, he grabs Karen's paw, "come on don't worry- let's just go."

A relic, hidden behind layers of rock and crystal, far beneath the original crystal realm's center.

It was an eye.

It slowly stares upward. And Karen SCREAMS.
"Let's just GO! Lucas- this thing- it's blinking lets just go!"

But it was too late, and the eye blinks.


And they strangely enough saw a light, like at the end of an upcoming tunnel.

And soon enough their thoughts became mush, was that screaming in the back ground? Maybe.

Lucas tries screaming out for Karen, trying to find her in the bright light... But something was in front of him, or more likely, someONE.

Bright stinging white pain was brought to Luca's eyes, he felt himself cry, but he couldn't worry about that. He was somewhere so different from the crystal realm. Where the hell was Karen?

But then he saw five pillars, they kinda of reminded him of a group of people but fuck, he couldn't bring himself to care. He steps EVEN closer- and the pillars light up.

Tall slender pillars of stone, covered in crystals of many colors, one had a green book on top, one with a blue crystal, a piece of mirror for the white pillar...

But two were missing their important relic, and Lucas thinks he knows, he steps closer.

The five pillars light up,

Screaming and incoherent mumbling, crying that sounded young like a child and slightly older like a teen. The blue pillar begins mumbling, and the red one laughs in return.

"What the hell?" Lucas raises an eyebrow but before he could say anything, the green pillar lets out a sound that sounds like, crying ?

And Karen still isn't around- He should have never followed the path him and Emmett found- AND THEY STILL NEED TO-

Slowly the yellow pillar lets out a mumbled laugh, and all the others stop. The white one lets out whispers,

All five begin laughing together, lighting up with each giggle and muffled rumble.

This is so fucking strange, but is it weird Lucas never wants to leave?

Maybe speaking will help, so Lucas makes the mistake of saying a small, "hello?"

The pillars stop.

And a mural of what seems to be their town uncovers like melting paint behind the pillars.

Lucas connects his hands to the wall, and he sees a tan paw beside his hands, he turns to his right-

It was Karen, was she always there? It doesn't matter.  They press their hands to the mural and more paint covers the stone.

A small deer, it looks like he's running the forest,
The poor thing then stops and begins to cry, his little painted shoulders rising and falling.

Then a blue boy, pats him on the shoulder, and slowly three more cave paintings show up at their side.  Green, white, and yellow.

Theres then a group of- kids- like Karen and Lucas! Lucas can hear Karen's laughter beside him. And they watch the paintings move childishly around.

The paintings then stop moving at once, forming into bigger versions of themselves, so do the puppy and alien.

Then. Red covers the cave paintings in a flood of rich ruby, it's almost like he can hear muffled cries. And he sees so many people looking above at the group.

Big and small, slugs, a goat, a blond bear? A entire ARMY of green fluffy animals, and what seems to be-

And then it hit him.

These paintings. They were watching were all of their friends and family, and people that they have never even met.

Karen's cries fill the place, as cave paintings of a black lab, a brown dog, bison, a lion and so many more are drowned in red paint.

But its so strange, the group that looks SO familiar are untouched. Despite everyone else drowning in the faux-blood.

He gets it now. I think we all do.

They both remove their hands in unison, to look up of the horrors that are the stone pillars above them.

All five pillars start letting out a chorus of agonized screams, muffled crying, some childish and slightly older all at the same time. The pillars shake in anger and roars of screams drown the cave they're in.

Open your eyes.

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