☆ ROCK ON ! ☆

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The band convention was cold to say the least, and although the gang were training for this very moment they were so nervous it almost didn't matter.

Cassidy gets a mushy love sick smile on her face, "I hope Trudy's in the crowd to watch!"

"Maybe! Let's hope we don't embarrass ourselves though. Because if we do-" Eddie looks like he might throw up all over the cement floor.

"Dimple and his posse will wear our skin as fur-coats?" Shadow raises an eyebrow.

Caramel focuses on fixing his electric guitar, "pretty much..."

And its almost comical how fast Eddie says-

"They're coming this way!" Eddie panics frantically and hops around with his hooves in the air.

Caramel rolls his eyes and makes a paw gesture, "Nigga, don't no body GIVE A F-"

"I believe in us." Shadow says randomly, putting his hand in the center of the huddle, hoping everyone would put their hand on his.

Cassidy grins and nods her head, "to the gang!"

"TO THE GANG!" They all cheer throwing their hands in the air and hyping themselves up.

Until tragedy struck.

"Aw look Rin-Rin! The fuck wads are celebrating their eventual loss! And death." A high pitched grating voice RINGS.

If there really was a god? Dimple Smiles and his FUCKING goons would not exist.

Such a waste of atoms if you ask me, as usual Dimple was in the most insane heeled neon platforms and heavy belt, AND IS THAT A MINISKIRT?

Ember seems kinda impressed with how awful his blinding outfit is, "Hey Dimple, I see you wanted to blind us all with your fuck-ass outfit! Nice." She throws a half attempt at a thumbs up.

Dimple, Honey, Darla, Jake, and Rin all strut like some sort of high school clique that practiced their insults at home together.

Dimple leans over with his hands on his hips getting ALL up in Shadow's blue grill. "And what about it ? We came to win after all. So ADMIRE US when we fuck your tight a-"

"Enough Dimple." His brother, a equally insane boy hovers MENACINGLY above them, "let's go practice".

Honey picks at her nails and glares Cassidy down and GOD WHAT IS THIS GIRL'S PROBLEM THEY JUST MET?

"Why do we have to look at these gays? I wanted to go SHOPPING Jake." She glares at her situation-ship.

Caramel blinked once, and blinked twice. "Have I ever told you I did your mom?"

Jake flips his Rapenzel long hair with finger guns and Shadow instantly falls into a zombie trance. Eddie taps his foot like a angry Victorian child.

Cassidy can be heard giggling.


And Darla ruins the tension immediately. "I am excited to crush you into bone-dust." She says casually.

And before the gang catches a lawsuit, they tiptoe away.

Shadow scratches his head and tilts it. His braincells not processing a thing that happened. "Is it just me. Or was Dimple gonna sa-"

"Assets?" Cassidy taps her chin,

"NO ASSES!" The deer boy sobs openly and looks with fear at his bottom, "I don't want his green thing any where ne-"

"HUSH PLEASE LORD." Ember begs at the sky.

But wait! Just ahead is their kid prodigy manager Bea!

And she does not look happy.

Bea taps her pen against her "important papers" (it's just drawings of Enya! AMAZING.) "Well you guys are SUPER late but any who go on and make me proud! Or not.. depends on if you win!"

And literally two breaths after she shoves THE ENTIRE GANG onto a stage, and many people are already watching. Waiting. They can smell fear.

Eddie looks around and gulps, "here we go..."


The music starts off a steady beat and people seem pretty into it already!

Eddie on the tambourine, Shadow on the drums, Caramel winging his electric guitar.

And Ember and Cassidy singing their hearts out together for all to see.

The lesbians front row truly are winning right now, and wow! There goes some girls Victoria's Secret bra flying on stage.


Shadow seems focused in his work, and

The emo lovers shout and cry, one even throws her wig and socks on the stage. Shadow dodges it with tears in his eyes.

And why is Eddie shaking his hips like he's Shakira?

After. . .

Ember throws her guitar over her shoulder, "I think we did pretty good honestly-" Cassidy nods in agreement with her.

Eddie shakes his hips, "that's right Dimple! Now who's fucking your ass?" He grins. Caramel and Shadow share a disturbed look.


Some where far away. Dimple can be seen crying his pink mascara away in murderous rage.

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