Flames ; early death

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The gang didn't know why, but it seemed like going to the woods was the best way to walk off all the stress.

But Ember is still thinking about her death, she always is nowadays it doesn't matter what time of day or night.

But a whisper from Caramel snaps her out of her worried trance.

He puts a paw on her shoulder, and the five teens keep walking.

But wait?

What's that?

A pale looming hand grabs a screaming Ember away, and as he steps out from the dark multiple cans of gasoline could be seen.

A single match is lit.

A thin hand tosses it into the forest and lines of flames surrounded the huddling gang, all grabbing onto each-other like helpless animals.

Pale hands grip brick red hair, and Ember shouts and fights for her life. Kicking and screaming while her friends can only watch.

Rinare kicks her crying furious face into the flames, but even though her head is with the inferno she does not give up.

Ember screams as her rage burns her own body along with the flames Rinney set upon her. She tried to reach of Rinney out of pure feral rage.

Her detached arms are turning into ashes, but she still tries to bring her killer down with her.

But hands turn into dust before the deed is done.

Do not worry, they say cremation is the best option for dead souls.

Her face is the last to burn, but before she descends she pleads with her friends for one last chance.

Its too late now.

She is in the air.

She is in your lungs.

Her life burns in you now.

When you scream, so does she.

Caramel breathes what was once his lover in, and he tries to cough her up. But she desires to stay and her friends scream and shout at the fire reaching it's heated hands through the woods.

Once again no one flinches when skeleton thin hands collect ashes, holding as much as they can.

A gust of wind leads what's left all around, her body flows into her companions eyes and lungs.

At least this way she'll live in all of them.

With the ashes and smoke filling their lungs the four cry out and frantically try to escape like mice.

Her sobs are now just crackles from the fire spreading throughout the forest.

If her friends do not escape fast enough.

They'll join her in the eternal inferno.

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