holding hands,

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The crunching of snow, and the curious looks of a familiar boy. A black Labrador searches and tries his very best.

It was dark as usual,

But Zawn hear's growling, and tearing? Shaking and a sorrowful rhythm can be heard through the cold snow.

And Zawn was alway's such a curious boy, so he peeks around the oak tree to see the source of the sound. But it's just-


"Nala? What are you- what are you doing here? I don't remember hearing about you going missing." He dusts the girls uniform for her.

But Nala doesn't speak, and canine notices she's been crying.

He pats her back, and offers to simply carry her where-ever she wanted. But the lioness refuses, so he opts to help her keep moving.

The two find a clearing, and neither address the fact that they both shouldn't be moving. Let alone seeing each other.

The two pause for a while, Zawn hopes maybe Nala will speak, but someone does it for her, was it who he thought? Was it the girl he was waiting to see?

Not quite, it was a redhead for sure! But not his girl, not at all.

Trudy stands in front of them, touching her face but when she notices them she squeaks with happiness.

"Zawn! Nala!" The girl laughs and lifts them into the air, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Zawn smiles up at her, but for some reason it doesn't feel right.

"Hey Truds, long time no see?" He tries to bring his classic charm in! But it falls flat. Some thing is itching at him. 

Trudy knows what they feel. She has been stuck down here too.  But he points behind her, "you looking for someone?"

And there she is, a head full of red hair. And Zawn almost TRIPS over himself in the snow, he sneaks up on the girl and she yelps and turns around.


Except her glasses were broken. But she still looked beautiful to him, even more so.

"Hey-" Was all he could say, before Jessie suffocated him in a protective hug.

"It's been what- months? I've been waiting for you the most-" the head cheerleader mumbles, "I missed you."

Zawn's a bit too smitten and happy to answer, his puppy dog eyes saying enough.

A swift in the snow stops their trance though and  Zawn hears cries that sound so familiar.

Trudy goes in front of the trio to protect them, but they all peer at a hunched over figure.

A red Pomeranian, wallowing in his guilt, Jacob didn't have his iconic green jacket on, instead he was simple in a white tee, stained with tears.

Jacob thinks about Karen, who's simply left to fend for herself, turning into a mature young woman.

And of course he's happy but,

"I wish I was there for her, to see her, to help." He holds his face in his paws and tries to feel better.

They all jump in shock, did he know they were behind him?

It's still dark where they are, and only snow and the others can be seen.

Another rustle comes from behind them, but the voice isn't like a student. Its a older man, one they recognize.

It could be him. The man who toon everything away from them. But its not.

The principal that once called them to his office for silly troubles was now in the after life with them.

Tim looks his kids, his students who he wanted to see graduate. He wants to hug them, he goes for a small wave instead.

They all tackle the poor man, drowning him in hugs and "I missed you's".

Normally if they were still alive the students wouldn't have much to relate to when it came to Tim.

But he died like they did, and he didn't deserve to. Zawn & Jacob playfully smile at their principal. And the girls hug him with all their might.

"Now now kids. Come on, we must keep moving forward." Tim takes his old role of their comforter, they follow him into the darkness. Holding his hand and hiding behind Tim.


A candle. A light. Revealing someone in all yellow, even their grave is decorated in the bright color. And I think we all know who loves it that much.

The bison was just staring, no one could see his face  but they knew.

Nala gently tapped Emmett's shoulder, and the kid sits up, turning around hoping it wasn't that monster coming back.

But no.

Instead it was his peers, and old principal, all standing there with waiting arms to hold him.

And who can pass that up?

After a few minutes of hugging, and comfort. Emmett turns away in disinterest.

His voice slowly comes out in a hushed tone, "I knew you all were here, but I guess I was so upset it didn't matter."

They all understand, Zawn especially, but what he doesn't expect was for the kid to agree that, "we all need to stick together."

But what was there to do? They were all here in the clearing, but what they didn't notice was Emmett's grave wasn't the only one. One by one they all lit up.

They all stand there. Not knowing what to do with themselves. There was nothing but to cry and mourn for what could have been.


Principal Tim wasn't sure how to comfort his kids, he just cradles a wailing student against his shoulder. "What do we even do?" The man pleads desperately as they all stand.

Emmett frowns and looks at his grave. It's pretty in his opinion, but it doesn't make him feel better.

"I have a small idea." The baby bison nods and hesitantly shifts his eyes around.

Everyone turns their heads, and Emmett reaches for Nala's paw, linking them together it creates a domino effect. And even Jake and Zawn end up holding paws.

The moon slowly rises again, and it's almost time but not yet.

The dead students all hold paws, wondering if they could have ever had a happy ending.

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