"it was an accident !",

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Just your average normal lunch everybody! Just your regular animal friends getting up to their hijinks.

And with hijinks comes discovery and uh, well that's it. But one lion is about to find out how BIG discoveries can get.


Today Nala and Karen sat together at lunch, admiring pretty people who walked by and discussing their favorite teachers.

And crushes,

Nala squeals as she watches Lucas pass by, "And my ideal man will be blue, tall, and lean and strong!"  She FANS herself and FLOPS onto Karen's shoulder. "He'll be perfect," she sighs

"I won't stand for this Nala! You need to obsess over someone else," paws swat at Nala's face, "Find someone who might tolerate... whatever THAT was," Karen frowns like a sad child.

It was almost purr-fect timing how a certain yellow-loving coyote passed by their lunch table to sit with the oh-so-famous saviors of Pony Town.

Karen wiggles her eyebrows and points to Cassidy.

And it was like time slowed down, and the angels from the heavens started SCREAMING FOR NALA TO STOP.

But wait....

Sure Nala thought Cas was pretty, but Trudy already made her mark on her. Not to mention the fact Nala doesn't even like girls!

Not their hair, or their muscles, or their pretty smiles. . .


"Her? But Karen, don't you remember? I sprayed hot pepper in her googlies!" To make an emphasis the lioness points inside her eye-sockets.

"How about," the pom-pom puts her paws on her bestie's shoulders, "you say sorry for that! As a start!"

"You know what..." Nala smiles and giggles like a schoolgirl, (she is one after all) "Good idea! Thanks, Karen, I gotta run!"

And just like that Nala was off!


Cassidy didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, she was too in her noggin to consider that someone may be trying to talk to her.

She taps her chin, "do I want a chicken sandwich for lunch? Or a burger for lunch. . ."

Aggressive tapping comes from the distance.

"Oh! Or maybe a pepper sandwich! Spicy and delicious, or maybe a-"


Cassidy almost rolls over herself like a bowling ball when she sees a 5'2 lioness sprinting at her in full speed.

The coyote walks as fast as she can but it seems short people do walk faster.

"WAIT!" Nala yelps and tries HOPPING over to her, "WAIT!"

Cassidy will not stand for this, SHE IS NOT GETTING SPRAYED AGAIN. "SORRY GOTTA GO-"

Students and teachers alike watch as coyote and lioness chases around the halls in circles.

Cassidy trips.
So much for DIGNITY.

The coyote attempts a last minute to say herself from the fan-girlish rains of hell.

The coyote scrambles under Nala, there was no way she was getting sprayed, or worse attacked for talking to LUCAS- "I'm sorry I do not know you I do not know who you are"

"I wanted to say I'm sorry!" Nala shrieks like a mad woman and EVERYONE walking briefly stops to judge them as much as they can.

Cassidy realizes that she is not in fact going to be smothered in pictures of Lucas or smacked with a volleyball. "Wait, I'm sorry, YOU'RE sorry?"

"Uh-huh." Nala nods with shame, this was so embarrassing, she was never going to talk to anyone ever again.

Cassidy slowly gets up, her eyebrows up to her forehead. "Oh! Well that's okay Nala, it was sweet of you to say so-"

Nala folds like paper to hide her face, "And I totally don't make voodoo dolls of you in my room!"

"Say WHAT-"

Cassidy tries her very best to skip over that part and focus on the apology the shorter girl gave her. "Hm, well no worries, I was more worried about why you like Lucas so much you'd pepper spray me." >:(

"Well, I think Lucas is a fine specimen of a man but- I made a very important discovery so-" She twirls her hair and it slowly registers to Cassidy what's going on.

Cas patiently waits for an answer, letting the volleyball fanatic take her precious time. "Oh? What is it?"

"I like... GIRLS." Nala gasped for air as she admitted to blowing up the principal's Mr.Carson shrine.

Cassidy could feel the snot shoot from her nose in surprise.

But, Nala looks pitiful, in a sad puppy way which Cas was ALL too familiar with.

Nala must not be too keen on liking girls, she wonders if she likes any girl from school.

"Well, that's not bad at all!" Cas chuckles while shaking her head, "I like girls too," She shuffles around and awkwardly smiles at the ground.


Nala nearly flies into the ceiling, "Really!?"
"Really," :)

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