Mission friendship !

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Case NUMBER 1 : Emmet & Shadow.

"La da lee da dee!" 🎶

Shadow looks so happy he looks like he might explode, beady blue eyeballs BULGING out this boys head. Every one simply just doesn't understand, why ever since he met the new kid he's been kicking his feet in the air and skipping to his classes.

Even Mr.Carson's class!

The gang jokes about how Shadow might have a tiny crush, but that's just not true! Emmet is a perfect replacement for friendship especially when you remember who he USED to be buddies with.

He shudders when a blond jock comes to mind.

Forgive and forget? More like resent and remember. Shadow wants to grab the imaginary Jake and squeeze him with his fist until he explodes.

But Jake is dead now, and there's no reason to worry about him coming back and ruining this somehow. Shadow continues to skip happily through the park, hoping Emmet was there.

And as soon as Shadow spots a familiar bison reading under a tree he literally lets out a bunch of giggles and skips like a little girl to his new bestie.


"Oh hello Shadow! Today the sun is burning in our direction at approximately 80 degrees! Isn't that wonderful?" Emmet claps his hands together and looks so happy,

But Shadow has no idea what the HELL this man meant.

"Say what."

Emmet looks at Shadow and blinks, "Eerrrrr sorry I'm so used to talking to my dad about that kinda stuff.. But it's okay!"

Shadow nods and sits next to his new bestie, GLARING just to remind himself this kid will never be like Jake. And dear blueberry GODS hes so happy.

"So what's up my giggity-dude? Wanna hit the box office later?" Emmet grins and tries to act laid back.

He ends up hitting the tree behind him. Shadow tries not to smile like a crazy man. HE CARES FOR THIS STUPID NERD.

"You are a little stupid-" Shadow blurts out, and wallows in the fact he must now run away for the rest of his life and never knit again with his favorite old ladies.

Shadow shakes Emmet AGGRESIVELY and shouts on the top of lungs that he was sorry, while a concerned Emmet tells him it's okay atleast a billion times.

It's kinda ironic! How Shadow became friends with a COPS literal son. But oh well! Officer Hand can suck it! Who cares about fine he is...

Emmet then points to the book he was reading, and the title read "How to be the best you can be."

Shadow has never made a smarter choice than to befriend this kid.

"You are so cool," Shadow blurts AGAIN because he is a complete mess. He feels like his tummy is glowing? Or is it- the other way around. WHATEVER. Hes just happy that Emmet wants to talk to him and not manipulate him so he can get back at someone.

We're looking at you Jake.

Emmet glances at Shadow and gives off a smile so bright Shadow might be blinded for the rest of his life. Shadow winces and quints so he doesn't melt his eyeballs.

Emmet winks and gets up ( before trying not to fall ) "Why thank you sir Shadow! I'm glad I can call you my best friend!"

And they continue to read, together. And both learn how to "be the best they can be."

And Jake can still suck it!

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