Goodbye, make sure you come back,

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Someone looks down, at a limp lifeless tangle of limbs. Calling out to a home that was completely empty. He keeps calling for her,

But she didn't wake up, she just stayed lifeless in his hooves, and even though the real life image and feeling of a dead Bea was right in front of him. It felt like a cruel joke.

Rin must think he's funny, taking her away from him only to swoop her back when they think they've won.

But life is never fair, and the gang knows this best.

Four teens watch as one sobs over another, shaking and crying, eyes bags turning purple with how hard he cried. And they said nothing,

They could have said they were sorry,

Or that it was gonna be okay,

But they all knew she wasn't coming back, she bled onto the grass of their front yard.

I wonder, how things would have been if this happened much earlier. But I guess that doesn't matter,

Shadow leans on Cassidy's shoulder, weeping like he never did before, wailing and knowing his rescue was for nothing. 

Ember stares in disbelief, even after witnessing with her own eyes, it doesn't feel right at all.

This isn't how it should end, there's gotta be a plot twist, right? Probably not.

Caramel, who was worn out by the trials of life thought he was fine. Mature and wise beyond his age, but he's still just a boy.

He surprised himself with his own tears,

Cassidy, pats poor Shadow on the head, taking moral support in grabbing onto Caramel's shoulder.

She didn't sign up for this, but it didn't matter, she's here anyway. And this was going to burn in her mind forever. No matter how many people they save.

And Eddie was still crying, screaming as he yelled over and over hysterically, gripping onto his sister for deer life. He won't stop for a while, in fact he'll keep crying.

If not out loud, then he'll do it inside. Even when he turns old and grey, weak in all joints and deaf, he will keep crying.

But tears won't bring Beatrice back, everyone knows that.

But they let him cry anyway, coming together to weep over what was the girl who started it all.


"Hey! Check this out!" A tiny fawn smiles and points to a cool looking rock in the pond.

A girl looks over, and she trods over right next to the boy who called for her, "that's just a rock!" She insists

But she thought it was pretty cool, but it wasn't very cool to like rocks right? She had a reputation to up hold! She still wants it though,

"Do you want it?" The other smirks proudly as the girl nods and he reaches for the water, grabbing the icky rock and tossing it up.

The boy gives it to the little girl, and smiles down at her.

"It's all yours!"

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