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A door slowly creeping open.

Rin whips his head up, with a fond smile. He always thought it was precious how the gang tried sneaking in the library, not knowing he knew what they were up too.

But it was not the gang here to visit.
It was just Eddie, alone.

"Hello there."

Rin didn't turn around to see who it was, but when he was met with silence, he slowly turns around. And watchful soulless eyes are boring at him.

And Rin couldn't help but notice that he was being held at gun point. Eddie wasn't going to let him go, not this time.

"Why are you here Eddie?" Rin blinks and tries to gain his composure.

Eddie gulps, "tell me why- WHY did you do it."

"Do what?"

"You fucking know what. First Jessie- then all the others- WHY?" He yelled the last words talking closer to the pale boy.

To be truthful.
Rin knew what was coming, but he wasn't planning on dying any time.

Eddie screeched on top of his lungs, "are you even LISTENING to me?"

Eddie stalked toward Rin past the entire ritual he was in the middle of, he wasn't even sure what he was going to do.

"Did you come here to learn about your sister?" Rin smiles knowingly, but he wasn't proud. It was nothing but a memory.

Rin whispers in Eddie's ear, "by the way it was your sister that killed Jessie. Not me."

And Rin took Eddie's shock as a sign to collide his head into his fist.

Pure white anger hits Eddie's head, but he forces himself to get up.

Eddie shot the guy by his shoulders & head-butted him into the tree. He wipes blood from his nose, "did you kill her because it BENEFITED you?"

He imagined Beatrice, innocent and naive not knowing this traitor wanted nothing more than to use her.

Going as far as to put her on DRUGS to get what he wanted.

Blood leaked onto the floor but Rin still got up, he breathes heavily kicking him off, "you think I wanted to? Oct asked me-"

"He didn't ask you nothin'!" Eddie kicked the green book aside, "we watched every conversation, every WORD between you too."

Eddie was going to do whatever it took.

And the murderer swiftly took his bow out, knowing he was taking Eddie's life one way or another.

They stood apart from one another, either a bullet or an arrow was going to end this fight.

Rin pulled his bow back, standing in the very center.

Eddie repeatedly shot every library wall furiously burning tunnels in every piece of furniture, and Rin was his bullseye.

"What did you do to Bea. WHY did you even kill anyone?"

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