Chapter 9 ; Siblings,

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Ember and Eddie were fighting again, in the middle of the taller red head's bedroom too! Screaming and helpless sobs of confusion echoed through the house. Shadow and Car were hiding behind furniture while Cassidy tried to calm down Ember. Dodging the furniture that flew at Eddie's face.


"SHUT UP!" Ember shouted chasing the male deer throughout the hallways, a full on COUCH lifted in her arms.

"I just wanted a PEICE of the cake Ember! Why are you staring at me like that?! STOP CHARGING TOWARDS ME!!!" Eddie shrieks so loud the house shakes and he keeps running. Slamming straight into Shadow with a oof.


Shadow lifts a blue finger and simple asks, "can I go home? I'm missing out on knitting-"

"NO!" Both deers kids shout with mixed emotions.

And for a split second, they looked so alike. Like their faces were reflections of each other. And it WEIRDED Shadow the hell out.


"Now that I think about it their eyes do look alike, maybe it's the color?" Shadow tapped his chin and did a longgggg hard think. Eddie's eyes were hazel brown though, not that he thinks about them a lot.

Ember's were a darkish green, so that theory is out the window. He circled around Eddie trying to spot what other similarities they had. Their hair? Or maybe their height? He took as many glances at the two as he could.

( But the deer boy couldn't care less he leaps over the blue m&m's head. )

And their personalities were so different too! Ember was headstrong and didn't mind doing what she wanted while her male deer counterpart was quick to react to anything, always yelping or laughing loudly.

But there was a deep feeling that made Shadow still think they related. He needed to discuss this with the others.

Cas huffed and went back to the boys, and if you squinted you could see Eddie in a fetal position.

"Guys I honestly think we should leave them alone, let them figure it out on their own yunno? Its kinda funny how they fight like siblings"

Then it hit Shadow! No I'm serious, a pillow meant for Eddie somehow did a 360 and hit him. He had a EUREKA moment! He turns to the cousins, grabbing a scared Caramel's shoulders and shaking him AGGRESIVELY.

"They fight like siblings! That must be enough proof! But how would that work- They have different moms..."

Caramel and Cassidy turned to each other giving each other the LOOK. Their eyebrows reaching towards their foreheads. NO ONE IS IN THE MOOD TO TEACH SHADOW ABOUT AFFAIRS. So they just stared at him dumbly.

"Or maybe-"

He stared at Ember and then turns to Eddie and then back to Ember. "Maybe their parents mixed DNA?"



The three teens decided to settle and truly find out what the truth was. Hopefully they wouldn't regret leaving a furious Ember with a clumsy Eddie but oh well! Eddie's house smelt like wood and a bit like cinnamon.

The three found a small drawer in The living room, which was kinda strange! "What's the point of having this thing if there's pictures of them covering the wall?" The emo blueberry tilted his head and Cassidy stopped him from opening it.

"Probably because we aren't even supposed to be searching the house?" She nods to him, taking her role as the voice of reason. But Caramel leans forward into the drawer curiously.

"Or maybe, there's something actually interesting?" He mumbles grabbing the knob, Shadow is behind him eyeing the drawer as a exhausted Cassidy braces herself.

"It has to be," Shadow adds quietly, "I can't get it yet, but I KNOW they are related. I just know."

Cassidy nods with understanding but still has her doubts, "that's true, they are similar sometimes..."


Then the three really thought about it. How the two always looked like each other in a way that goes beyond their just features. Their faces both held the burden of being kids that have devatstating weights on their shoulders. Features that are both sleek and smooth at the rare moments when nothing is bothering them.

Eyes that are slender, and personalities that sometimes blend so well. Curves of two smiles that always seem so identical at times.

So it makes sense.

When Cassidy surprisingly finds at the bottom of the drawer, a picture of what may be Eddie's father, carrying Ember's mother bridal style.

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