Can you dip two people once ?

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It was just your average day at lunch, nothing special honestly! Just the gang enjoying your average lunch on your average lunch. You can see the cheerleaders being crowded by their fans. And Cassidy takes her time simply admiring her cool peers.

Then, it's kinda strange! She can see Trudy walking her up to them, Karen specifically, and she can't help but stare.

But the unthinkable happens.

And Karen and Trudy both laugh together and flip their hair at the very same time and it's like the heavens open and goodness god almighty Cassidy might as well go to CHURCH.

And is Cassidy barking? Is SHE? She feels like she's caught a fever, or even worse- RABIES. Is she FOAMING AT THE MOUTH OH MY GOD.

"H-H" Cassidy totally doesn't mess up in talking, something she's been doing for hmm let's see, 16 FUCKING YEARS. "H I ." She waves over to them, and they look at eachother and if Cassidy didn't know any better,

She'd say they looked (pretty) nervous too, but Trudy walks over first, with a admiring Karen following her.

Trudy turns to Karen with a smitten and dumb smile, "did you see that Karen? Did you see the way she looked at me?" She fawns but Karen taps her, "she was looking at the both of us silly!"

And out of all the times Cassidy has to gather up courage to talk to pretty girls it seems the easiest this time!

Luckily, she's good at this talking thing, being super smooth! She slowly treads up to a expectant Trudy and Karen.

Music starts to play, booming music echoes through out the cafeteria, and you'd kinda be concerned with where it came from! But if you squint, you can see a smug looking Lucas give her a thumbs up!

The class president tilts her head with a concerned look, "Oh deer. I think Karen needs help a bit-"

Karen could be seen doing an aggressive dance, she was frailing her arms in the air and squaring up aggresively. And Trudy had a scared expression on her pretty face.

Well that was interesting.

"Soooo wanna dance? To pass the time while Karen does... that?" Trudy smiles awakrdly

Oh shit, okay. Don't mess this up!

She nods and carefully holds Trudy's hooves, they do a small spin, not really knowing what they were doing, Trudy slowly looks up.

"You're a good dancer," she whispers and looks away, other students could be seen dancing behind her. And the gang seems to be dancing too! Cassidy looks back down, trying not to stare, "Thanks! I try,"

The cafeteria lights magically get brighter, and the Christmas lights hung up glow brightly as the school some how gets darker, ( we know it's you Lucas! )

Trudy giggles and spins them around faster, and for some reason Cassidy feels too lucky. But she savors the moment anyway. And the music starts to quicken, and our Cassidy got an idea!

"Hey! How about I dip you? That'd be pretty funny huh?" She laughs and twirls Trudy around, she doesn't seem to hate the idea.

Trudy glances at her for a bit,

"Of course, but don't drop me okay?" Trudy looks around to see if anyone's looking and thankfully? Everyone's too busy caught up in their own buddies, and partners.

It seemed just like it was just them,

Until Karen JUMPS into Trudy's arms.

"Hey!!!! Did you guys like my dance?" She grins brightly

Trudy and Cassidy exchange guilty looks,

Karen takes that as a no and looks to Cassidy as Trudy gently puts her down, staring up at Cassidy she asks"can you dip two people at once?"

That's actually a good question, can you dip two people at once? I guess it won't hurt to try! "Well okay! This is gonna take some work though..."

Cassidy struggles a bit, trying to see if she can pick them both at the same time, and the music only got quicker! So she wanted this moment to be perfect, she twirls them both around as the music picks up and...


And she did it! Somehow Cassidy feels like the luckiest girl in the world, or just the cafeteria atleast. Trudy and Karen high five as the enjoy the thrill of being dipped.

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