Dreams and Connection !

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Cool Lucas, sexy Lucas, hot amazing Lucas! The other iconic blue boy flips his hair and struts with his usual swagger. He was imagining Trudy or some other pretty person praising everything he did, bowing to him like he was some kinda king!

It could happen....

You'll see !

And it's all cool until he hears a -

Rustle, rustle,

"What in the fresh hot mom's going on?" The boy complains and sees a small bush not too far, he tries to look cool as he rushes to it.

And the rustling doesn't stop, and Lucas is kinda sick of it! So he peeks into the bush, preparing himself for-


"HOLY ZOO WEE MAMA." He SHOUTS when the bush reveals a tall brown boy looking up at him, and honestly he knew this miracle was gonna happen! He's gotta slick back his hair- do SOMETHING!

Oliver looks back up and rubs the back of his neck, "Sorry, I'm not doing anything strange I promise! I was just looking for a book!" he babbles wildly

Lucas helps him up, and the poor dude's covered in sticks and leaves!

"You know, you're pretty cool! You give like, vibes of someone who's like a comic book protagonist!" Lucas nods and looks him up and down, and a total hottie too? He's bout to score.

Lucas smirked but Oliver just looked as dumb as ever. Tangly limbs flipping around as he stared at the blue boy below him.

"Sorry- I don't follow..." Man this guy is strange, maybe he's related to Shadow? After all he is kinda blue, and even though he's seen a lot of people. He only knows one blue guy. And that's saying alot,

"Who are you anyway?" Oliver observes Lucas with wide curious eyes like he was some kind of ancient painting.

"Lucas Rippler at your service!" The short man grins and grabs his hand, shaking it while flashing his sunglasses in his direction.


"You don't have a last name?"

"Errrr.... no!"

"Hmph, well that's all good, Lucas don't judge!"

They stand awakrdly for a while.

"Lucas, you seem pretty upset!" Oliver scratches his chin and checks him out.

And since he might not ever see Oliver again, he guesses it won't hurt to tell him what's been on his mind, he seems understanding enough.

Lucas looks up at him through his shiny sunglasses, beady eyes blinking and blinking. He looks away and suddenly looks a bit off. "Well, you're not gonna BELIEVE me, but my dreams kinda predict the future."

Oliver raises an eyebrow, very interested so he keeps going. 

"Dude I'm serious! Everytime I dream, the same exact thing happens- it can drive me insane sometimes!" He laughs and tries to pass it off as a small joke.

He's used to doing that, pretending his real problems just make him funnier! It's true in a way right?

But Oliver is still looking at him, his baby face turning into one with worry, as if he could understand.

"Oh what are you looking at me for?" Lucas laughs airly and scratches his head, "it's not that hard to imagine right? I'm not crazy..."

"I don't think it's crazy at all! In fact it's refreshing!" Oliver giggles and continues to walk with Lucas. But he doesn't remember getting up to walk at all!

Oh well! Hottie's abilities, the Smurf will never understand them, but he doesn't mind checking this interesting stranger out.


"Really." Oliver smiles and pats the boy's head as if their all of a sudden great pals now, but he kinda likes it. "You're very cool Lucas. And I should know, I know almost everyone, in every time." The brown boy jokes, but Lucas doesn't think he's joking, so he turns around.

"Stop joking with me man! You're making it sound like you're a time traveler-"

.  .  .

"No FUCKING way-" he cheers, having a time traveler friend is so much more cool than meeting Santa Claus! He's gonna have to gate keep Oliver!

The brown boy smiles and poses dramatically, "that is correct! I'm a time traveler, those issues of yours are understandable Lucas!"

This may be the best day of Luca's life, and sure it's weird hearing someone say, "Hey yeah I casually break the fabric of time itself," but hes strange that way himself.

But then they arrive somewhere, and Lucas kinda remembers it as the library, this must be where Oliver needed to go to.

"Well," Oliver sighs and smiles down at him, "I hope we can talk again Lucas, you're very cool. Genuinely"

"Pft- okay then, cya Oliver the time traveler,"

"Cya, Lucas the dream predictor"

And with that Oliver skips over in the old rinky dinky Library with glee, and to be honest, Lucas hopes he does see Oliver again.

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