Mission Friendship !

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Case 2 ! : "Jocks? Assemble."

Today was just your average day at Clover High, and the the students were crying internally as they all dragged to the gym for P.E. But two of our favorite boys were forming a gay ass friendship.

"Man I'm so glad Jake can't boss us around right now..." Eddie rumbles, admiring the basketball in his hooves.

Zawn looks down at his untied shoes and flops onto the floor. Looking unsually dazed when Eddie mentions Jake's name.

"Jake makes me wanna hurl." The black lab whines like a child. And looks like a dead man, is this man okay?

"Dude it's cool, you're cooler than him anyways." Eddie snorts and throws the ball to him.

Zawn proudly gets up and flexes for like the gazillinonth time. "Your right! With every strong man! Is a man with a even bigger ass." He then bows like he just said the smartest thing ever.


Zawn stares at Eddie and taps his head, "DUH- what I'm saying is Jake may have been cool, but since my gluttimus maximus is SO much larger than means I'm the better option!"

The deer boy tries not to wince, that was the stupidest fucking thing ever. But he'll always take the opportunity to rip on Jake.

"Right? Jake fucking sucked dude!"

"He did more than just sucked" Zawn winked multiple times as if Eddie didn't get the joke.

"Get it? So you get it?"
"I get it dude."

"But seriously, replacing me with Shadow wasn't as bad compared to what he did to you- he BURIED you ALIVE dude!"

Zawn shakes his head and gets up to pout in disapproval, "I agree! Replacing a member with his boyfriend is so not cool-"

The world went into a slow-mo.

"What'd you just say?"

Zawn didn't even get to open his mouth when Eddie screeched "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY-"

"You too ARENT dating? Hah I knew you were a wimp!" Zawn laughs WAY to loudly.

The deer boy lunges.

The two boys start play brawling in the middle of the gym, and Eddie may have tried to kick Zawn in the balls. Which was totally unfair! They roll on the ground like they joined together and became one GIANT bowling ball.

They may have even knocked Trudy over...

But after seven seconds of the boy screeching and giggling while trying to hit each other, they eventually come to a sweaty stop. And made a two-man bear pile on the cold gym floor.

"Edward I think I broke something- I THINK I BROKE SOMETHING."

Your mind is broken, Eddie thinks to himself.


Or maybe he said it outloud, whoops!

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