𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗈𝗋𝗍𝗒 𝗌𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇:𝖢𝗁𝖾𝖾𝗄𝗒 𝖡𝗈𝗒

Depuis le début

John walked over and looked at Em, "i'll leave yous too it." Paula stood up and walked back towards Jane.

John scooted over to his son and wife, "i'm sorry." he apologised.

She sent him a faithful smile and nodded, "it's alright."

"he's been kipped for a while." he smiled, stroking the little boys hand.

"i know, sleepy boy." Em giggled, the Lennon boy smiled and leaned over to kiss her lips.

"you look so beautiful today." he said, looking over her outfit.

She'd decided she'd wear, a pucci short puff sleeve blouse, a white pinafore that reached her thighs and white kitten heels.

"thank you." Em responded, she kissed his cheek and wiped it as it got her lipstick on it.

She giggled, he looked at her intensely and took in her beautiful smile, stunning eyes, her perfect cheekbones, her long eyelashes, just everything and he knew she was absolutely perfect.


FINALLY, the plane hit the ground in Athens. Em felt like she was going to die on that plane, especially since it was absolutely boiling on it.

She helped Jules down the plane steps, and smiled as he reached the bottom with little 'hurray'.

Em giggled at her son, and they continued to follow behind the others.

Suddenly, Jules sat down on the ground, she turned and looked at him.

"what do you think your up too?" she smiled to him.

"i like it here." he cooed, holding his little toy close to him.

"do you?" she crouched down to his level.

"mhm." his little head nodded.

"Jules we have to go though, baby." she told him.

He looked up at her, "where?" he asked.

"to the house." Em said.

"but house is far away." he pouted, this boy was a hard egg to crack.

"yeah i know, but this will be our house for just a bit." She told him with a smile.

After a few more seconds and Jules still hadn't moved, Em said "here, how about a lollipop?"

She pulled out the red lollipop she'd gotten from the airport for him.

He gasped and smiled, instantly, he reached out for it, "uh uh." Em other her hand to him.

He took his mother hand and pulled himself up, she smiled and handed him the sweet.

"thank you mummy." he said, "your welcome baby, come on now we need to catch up with daddy."

Jules started to run, which caused the blonde to laugh and jog behind, as he dragged her away from the planes.

"lalalalalala." he sang out happily, which is little lollipop in his hand.

"somebody is happy." Paul chuckled, as Jules pounced right into his arms.

𝖪𝖨𝖫𝖫𝖤𝖱 𝖰𝖴𝖤𝖤𝖭 || 𝖩𝖮𝖧𝖭 𝖫𝖤𝖭𝖭𝖮𝖭 ||Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant