𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝗈:𝖴𝗇𝗁𝗈𝗅𝗒 𝖦𝗂𝗋𝗅

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𝟧𝗍𝗁 𝖮𝖼𝗍𝗈𝖻𝖾𝗋 𝟣𝟫𝟨𝟢

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𝟧𝗍𝗁 𝖮𝖼𝗍𝗈𝖻𝖾𝗋 𝟣𝟫𝟨𝟢

TIGHTLY, Clementine held onto her little black and white kitten, Blue.

The blonde sat down at the small kitchen table in front of her mother, who was too busying smoking a cigarette to even notice she was there.

"Get that god damn cat away!" Anya shouted causing Emmy to flinch "sorry..." she muttered.

Emmy placed Blue onto the floor, but all the kitten did was sitting at the girls side of her chair, Emmy smiled and took a sip of apple juice.

"Last night, I went to the club and told them you'd do the performing." Anya said to her daughter, Emmy's eyes widen as she stared at her mother.

"No you didn't..." she muttered "we need the money." Anya simply said.

"But I declined the offer because I didn't feel comfortable about doing it." The blonde sighed frustratedly.

"fucking deal with it, i need the money and you'd get paid more for shaking your ass then serving people their drinks." The older women chuckled.

Emmy looked down at her hands worriedly. The thought of being a stripper made her feel oozy, she couldn't imagine herself being one and she most certainly didn't want to be one.

If her mother just signed the contract to the stupid ballet school, Emmy could've been away from Hamburg and living in London with grandma.

She really wished her father, Eddy, was still there, he wouldn't have let Anya do that to her and he would've allowed her to go to the ballet school, and she was certain about that.

Her father was a very good man, a well known lawyer. Emmy always wonder why such a intelligent man had settled for such a miserable women like her mother.

For as long as she could remember, her mother had been horrible. Emmy knew she was a mistake, Anya even told her that herself -which left the poor blonde to cry herself to sleep that night- her father was ready to settle down yet, even though he was thirty nine.

Clementine had no idea where her father had gone, he just disappeared. No note, no anything. It was like he never existed, Emmy didn't like to talk about him with her mother, she knew what would happen.

Anya would say a load of shit to her and probably slap her, or whip her with her stupid belt, she'd used many times on her daughter.

Emmy wanted to get out a Hamburg, she was going to and she promised herself that. She'd leave her mother behind, she was sure Anya would be glad about that. And to be completely honest Emmy didn't want anything to do with her mother.

After many years, Clementine had grown a large hatred towards the women, only because of what she did to her, threatening, hitting, beating, it was absolute hell for the young blonde, but she guessed hell was a teenage girl, right?

𝖪𝖨𝖫𝖫𝖤𝖱 𝖰𝖴𝖤𝖤𝖭 || 𝖩𝖮𝖧𝖭 𝖫𝖤𝖭𝖭𝖮𝖭 ||Where stories live. Discover now