𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝗂𝗑 :𝖧𝗈𝗅𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖮𝗇

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SHE LIMPED around the streets of Hamburg, barely being able to stand still from the pain throbbing through her body

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SHE LIMPED around the streets of Hamburg, barely being able to stand still from the pain throbbing through her body.

She held tightly onto the kitten that happily cuddled up into her arms, completely unaware of the pain her owner was feeling.

Emmy could hear the loud laugh of John Lennon echo through the streets, that's s how she knew she was getting closer to him.

She turned the corner and saw John and Paul stood outside the Kaiserkeller.

She was getting weaker and weaker by the second. From a far Emmy notice Paul nudge John to her direction, but before she could call for help, she felt herself fall.


"EMMY!" John exclaimed loudly as he watched the young blonde fall to the ground.

He instantly dropped his cigarette and sprinted over to her, Paul not far behind.

"holy shit..." Paul muttered, when he saw the state of the Darling girl.

"fucking get help!" John screeched to the doe eyed boy that stood there shocked.

He'd not even known her for that long and cared so greatly for her, the gut feeling he had when his mother passed was the same feeling he had in those moments.

"John...?" she muttered "hey...your alright don't worry." he said as he held her in his arms.

In the distance the sirens of the ambulance could be heard getting closer to the pair.

Clementine knew she was going to be ok.


SLOWLY, her eyes peeled open, Emmy first notice her casted leg, and wrist.

"thank god your awake." she was startled and looked to her right and saw John sitting on the chair.

She winced at the pain in her neck, "careful, you've got a lot of bruising on your neck." he said.

"what's wrong with my leg?" she questioned "you sprained your leg, you'll have to wear that cast for about six weeks." John said.

Emmy sighed deeply, "how long have i got to stay here?" she asked.

"the doctor said just however long you feel like you need." he replied, "Em, what happened?"

He noticed how her face went pale, "i fell down the stairs..." she lied.

John knew she was lying but decided to leave at that since she clearly didn't want to talk about it.

The English nurse wandered in "well Miss Darling, it's good to see you awake. The swelling on your face is gone, which is good. I'd be more worried about your neck and leg. But as your boyfriend may of told you, you can go home whenever you feel like the time is right." she smiled.

"oh...he's not my boyfriend..." Emmy said, "sorry about that." the nurse said as she walked out.


SHE SIPPED her water and looked down at the magazine as she read.

John had went to get more apple juice for her, she pulled away from reading as the nurse from earlier came in.

"oh hi." Emmy smiled.

"hello sweetheart." the nurse smiled back "y'know i'm very surprised that young boy isn't your boyfriend. I'm not normally one to assume stuff but the way he is with you and about you, i can tell he really cares about you."

"you think?" Emmy said.

"oh honey, i know. I've been on the earth for 56 years, i've seen a lot of love and whatever is going on with you two is the realest love i've ever seen." the nurse said leaning against the bed.

"i know love when i see it." she added.

"whats your name?" Emmy asked, "May."

"hope i'm not interrupting." John said, standing at the door.

"of course not, off i pop." May said cheekily.

"hey..." Emmy muttered.

"how you feeling?" he asked "a lot better actually." she said.

"good." he smiled.

"John?" Emmy question "mhm."

"why are you here, with me?" she asked, looking into his eyes.

"i-i because...i care a lot about you. Emmy...i've never felt like this for anybody before." he said, placing his hand on hers.

"Emmy... i've fell for you."

"oh john...you don't realise how happy i am to hear you say that." with that, she pulled him in and placed a loving kiss on his lips.

"so...Emmy will you be my girlfriend?"

"of course i will!" she smiled.

May watched from the small window at the door, with a large smile plastered across her face.
She was always right, what could she say.


AN: short chapter

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