Shorts: Sing a Happy Song

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Megan's Pov:

One weekend, kids on the block hung out at the park where they play and just let out energy before curfew hits and it's time to go back home. Deon, Shawn, Trey, and me have gone to the park to do the same. We met up with some of our friends from school or just the neighborhood. We played games all together which made it more fun. Over 20 people playing tag, freeze tag or greenlight.

At the moment, we playing hide and go seek. I've hid with some of my friends, who aren't my friends, but who I spend a lot of time with. We hide together discussing some plans to get away from the seeker: Shawn and some other girl.

"I dare you to." Tony says

"I don't know. He'll be mad." I say not really liking the idea. It's just mean.

"Aw, c'mon. Just do it." Candice chimes in.

"This is why you don't have a lot of friends." Randy adds in.

"Yeah, you're always hanging out with that loser." Tony agrees.

"He's not a loser." I defend his name.

"And defending him too." Candice taunts.

"Yeah, it's so annoying." Randy gives me a face.

"Y'all pick on him for no reason. He actually a cool kid."

"But he white. He gon grow up to be like the rest of them."

"No he won't. He be around us more than his own family. I mean he even kiss Cherish for that one dare. Y'all were there."

"Well, if you want to keep hanging around us, then do the dare."

"That's not fair."

"Well its his fault we all you got. He gon find us eventually. When he comes over just dump it on his head so we can get away."

"He won't be mad at you anyway."

"Yeah, and if he keep his cool, we'll know if he a cool dude. If he cry like a baby then you out."

"That ain't much of options for me." I pout grabbing a bucket of paint when Shawn is running around looking for people and trying to tag them.

We're behind a shed where we found an open half empty bucket of blue paint. The initial idea was to use to distract him so we can get away. Taggers are used to people doing what they can to get away, but this is extreme. 

"Just do it." Tony says before jumping out from behind the shed.

"Hey, Shawn over here! Na, na, nah, boo, boo. You can't get me." Tony waves his arms around trying to taunt Shawn. I can hear this steps and his laughter. I get nervous as I hear his steps get closer. Do I take my chance on making Shawn mad at me or lose friends I've been around since kinder garden?

"I can get you, Tony. You move too slow." Right on cue when he turns the corner of the shed, he was too focused on Tony that he ran past me. I ran to keep up with him so as soon as he got from behind the shed, I threw the paint and it landed flat on his head and clothes. Mostly covering the back of him.

There's a moment of silence of shock, realization, and just acceptance.

"MG?" Shawn stops and looks over at himself.

"What you do that for?" Deon comes over and pushes me on the arm.

"It was just a joke to buy some time." I try to laugh it off. Everyone else is shocked and giggling at Shawn who is covered in blue paint. It drips down from his hair to his face and down his clothes and shoes. 

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