Chapter 24: A Couple of Fights

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(A/N: Yes, y'all, it's a double update.)

Shawn's Pov:

I'm livid.

She knew I'd be upset if I found out. Did she know he was going to give her flowers? After he's been bothering us today? 

We don't speak during the car ride. She's caught an attitude, and I'm just too upset to speak period. I really called myself trying to save Monica cause who would want to be in a position like she would've been in. I get wanting to support your friend, but your friend put herself in that position.

We made it to the house first and park in the driveway. Megan slams my door and marches in the house. Me, not far behind her. 

The tension in strong and I'm not sure what to do with myself. There's an urge to go after her and demand questions, and there's an urge to ignore her. I pace the living room just thinking. I feel like I'm over reacting but then remember she accepted them herself. She took his flowers.

I make up my mind to go knock on her door, but get side tracked when I see the bouquet of flowers on the table in the kitchen. She just left them there in the open. 

"Ugly ass flowers." I say under my breath like the can hear me, before proceeding. Though, freeze mid-step, I settle to walk into the kitchen. I observe the weird shaped petals on the flowers and the weird color of it. They look fake.

"I bet these are fake." I hold a petal and it feel off. Oh, shit. They're real. That single pest decided to give a take woman flowers. And the taken woman had the audacity to accept the flowers from the single man knowing that he likes her. 

I just laugh a humorless laugh as I hold the plucked petal in my hand. A dark cloud hovers over my head as thoughts take over me. I've never been the type to be jealous like this, but over her, I guess I am. Especially when it comes to that clown.

"Why did you have to take them?" I scoff hold the bouquet up.  Yeah, it's huge and real, but why didn't you ever tell you wanted flowers?

You never asked.

A voice in my head responds back to my question. It hit me like bricks. My insecurities eat me up every time I realize I'm not doing enough.

"Fuckin flowers. I can get her betters ones. She don't need these." I throw them on the table and more petals fall off. I can't help the evil intention growing within me as the petals fall off.

 I pick the bouquet up again and hit them against the table, and do it again and again and again until they're almost bare. Some petals hang on while the rest that fell paint the table and floor. It was lot and it really tells me he tried to woo her. This is enough petals to lay on the ground for a romantic date where you make babies. That dickhead pisses me off.

I pick up every petal off the table and floor and throw it in the trashcan. It didn't make me feel any better, well a little but not a lot either. When it came to throwing the stem away, it wouldn't fit so I hand to bend them to get in.

"And that's how you take out the trash." I swipe my hands together like they're dirty.

"Yo, Shawn!" I jump out my skin forgetting where I am. Been so caught up in my feelings and actions. Deon runs into the kitchen and over to me.

"Why you out of breath?"

"Oh, nothing. Just been moving around." I lie.

"Okay." He says not believing me.

"C'mon in here. She'll come out." I follow my friend hoping that a petal doesn't make an appearance. I fucked up. 

We talk in the living room about what happened, and I tell him about the car ride home.

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