Mammoth Mogul Finale

Start from the beginning

Sonic: Sorry, but I'm interfering.

Mogul: Why? You have no hope against me!

Sonic shrugs and gets into a running position.

Sonic: Maybe so, doesn't mean I'll ever give up!!! Not when I got promises to keep!!

Sonic charges straight and Mogul and starts punching and kicking Mogul. Mogul swings his fists at Sonic but Sonic easily dodges the fists and retaliates with kicks.

Sonic: What's the matter Elephant Eddie?! Too fast for ya?!

Mogul snarls and swings his fist at Sonic. Sonic begins to try and dodge the fist but his legs won't move.

Sonic: What?!

Sonic looks down to see his legs are surrounded by Mogul's green aura. Sonic looks up in time to see the fist hit him and send him rolling into a ball. Mogul laughs.


The ball shaped Sonic suddenly makes a quick turn and starts rolling at Mogul really fast.

Mogul: What the hell?!

Sonic hits Mogul and begins bouncing around like a pinball and striking Mogul mutiple times.

Mogul: ENOUGH!!!!!

Mogul raises his hand and Sonic stops in middair. Mogul slams his hand into the ground multiple times, causing Sonic to slam into the ground multiple times. Mogul stops and Sonic lays on the floor motionless. Mogul breathes a sigh of relief.

Mogul: You are really PERSISTENT hamster, but I really must reclaim my emerald and destroy you all.

Mogul begins to turn around but hears movement. Mogul looks to see Sonic struggling to get to one knee.

Mogul: How? What drives you to stand even when you have no hope?!

Sonic stumbles into a fighting stance and weakly smirks.

Sonic: Stupidity and sheer will I guess.

Mogul: Well if that's the case-

Mogul quickly grabs Sonic by the throat and lifts him up into the air.

Mogul: -then I'll end this quick. Any last words?

Sonic: Yeah.... I was a pretty good distraction.

Mogul: *chuckles* Distraction? What...

Mogul turns around and sees Tails holding the Chaos Emerald and pointing it at Mogul. Tails' breaths are ragged and is struggling to stand as blue veins are forming on the hand that holds the Chaos Emerald. Mogul chuckles as he tosses Sonic to the ground and walks towards Tails.

Mogul: Look at you. You can't even withstand the power of Chaos. It is eating you alive!! Give it up prince, or you'll die!!

Tails, still breathing hard, continues to point the emerald at Mogul. Mogul shakes his head.

Mogul: How naive the young truly are.

Suddenly, blue wind forms around the emerald. Mogul's eyes widen with surprise.

Mogul: Oh!!! You people are full of surprises! But no matter, you won't be able to hit me!

Mogul tries to run away but he feels somethibg grab ahold of his legs.

Mogul: What?!

Mogul looks down to see two RoboSeekers hold on to Mogul. Mogul turns to see Nicole slowly float up from the ground.

Nicole: You won't be running away Mogul.

Mogul: You think a couple of robots can hold me down?! I'll just make them let go!!

Mogul raises one of his hands but something grabs it and pulls it back and stabs something into Mogul's hand.


Mogul turns to Sally holding Mogul's arm with her legs while her functional hand uses her blade to pin his hand to the ground.

Sally: Not on our watch!!!

Mogul then feels his other arm get pulled back. Mogul looks to see Knuckles holding his arm.

Knuckles: This is the end for you.

Panic appears in Mogul's eyes as he tries to struggle free, when he feels someone pull on his ears.


Tails screams with anger and determination as a beam of whirling wind hits Mogul directly in the chest. Mogul screams in pain as the wind buffets him hard. Sonic, Knuckles, and Sally hold on as tight as they can as the wind tries to blow them away. The wind suddenly disperses as Tails drops the emerald and almost falls to the floor but Nicole catches him. Tails weakly chuckles.

Tails: Thanks for the catch.

Nicole: You are welcome.

Mogul falls limp crashes to the ground face first. Sonic, Knuckles, and Sally let go and breathe a huge sigh of relief.

Sally: Now *whinces in pain*, we beat him.

Sonic shows a thumbs up to Tails.

Sonic: Nice job buddy!

Tails returns the thumbs up.

Tails: Couldn't have done it without you. Any of you.

Knuckles: No problem. Besides the everything hurting, this fight was nothing to spectacular.

Sonic: Yeah yeah knucklehead. You're tough.

Sonic walks over to the emerald. Sonic sees a design of wind blowing in the emerald.

 Sonic sees a design of wind blowing in the emerald

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Sonic: Well at least we got an emerald.

Tails: Oh my Chaos.... We got an emerald!!!

Knuckles: Oh yeah.... we did. Nice.

Sonic smiles as he reaches down and grabs the emerald. Sonic stands and stares at the emerald as he suddenly feels two words form in his mind and he says the words.

Sonic: Chaos Control.

Suddenly the world goes black.


Wow, we've finally got to the end of this arc. I'm as surprised as you guys. Next chapter will be an epilogue for the arc, then maybe 2-3 chapters of "filler" and then we'll begin the next arc. I'm so excited for what comes next and who'll come next. A little hint, the character is a fan favorite. Anyways, I hope you all have a lovely life. Bye.

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