Chapter 81: Your Blood

Start from the beginning

If I was in a philosophy class, I would blindly admire his wisdom but we were talking about death and the altercation of some kids' lives.

No words even so beautiful could repair their broken existence.

"I simply wish for them that they'll get through it, now that they're all alone."

A modest chuckle left his sealed lips.

"No they're not. After our reunion with Max, I'll join them for a few days."

My lashes hit my eyelids to the news. I wanted to protest but I knew the Markens needed support and politically speaking, Eos was their best asset. An hermit divinity that would come out of its cave only because of Ice Moon. That would put some power hungry alpha right at their place.

"By the way, why didn't you go, then, for the meeting with Jay?"

At that same moment, I was interrupted by a mobile phone ringtone, the one with that same annoying beeping. Eos searched in his pocket the brand new smartphone, and looked at me.

"This was exactly why I couldn't."

He took the video call and I was mortified.

"What happened?"

I cried out.

The short haired girl blocked inside the screen was wearing bandages all over her eyes. Panic was taking over but the warmth I felt in my palm calmed my racing worries. Laughs were heard with the device filter but her energy was all the same.

"Nothing much, just some dumb dogs exploding wolfbane on my face, now I'm blind."

I brought my hands to my lips to kill my coming sobs but as the tears were almost there, uncle scolded the tomboy.

"Max, seriously Serah is about to have a seizure next to me."

My eyes darted between them both, still a stranger to their one sided conversation. Max giggled playfully.

"Girl it was a joke, come on. However, wolfbane did explode on my face so I closed my eyes and now they're glued together for forty-eight hours. Nothing much honestly, I just have to avoid the light for a faster recovery."

I finally let go of the breath I took when her face appeared. The sense of relief dwelled into my pores but we should not forget that she was indeed in a situation where death was hanging just above her head.

"Max, I genuinely wish for you to get well but Serah and need your latest findings, we'll see each other soon anyway so spit it out already."

I felt the cold air invade the space, the screen, although the same, something shifted. Max's childish attitude turned a full 180 degrees. Elbow on her desk, her fingers joined to form a support for her chin. And her lips moved, not leaving any space to interrupt.

"So away the bullshit, and here's the tea. So you two know we've been tracking those wolves for a while now and to be honest we found nothing. At some point we were close enough but they managed to disappear without leaving any traces.

Now we knew that our approach was not the best and we started marking the places they'd disappear, nothing out of it, until a few weeks ago.

The war that broke out at Ice Moon.

Since then, Asar communicated a map as we all know now, representing the underground pathways. We dispatched our men there but we didn't find anything big but we did realize something big.

They disappeared exactly a mile away from one of the entrances, with their map I felt stupid not seeing it.

We went there and we ended up in some remote land. A red zone for our kind."

I cut her right here.

"What's a Red Zone?"

Eos took over quickly as we needed to have the end of her story.

"Just some contaminated land full of trash and chemical waste, but I'll tell you the details later."

Max continued in her story as we focused only on her.

"As he said, a land littered where the air was slowly suffocating you. We didn't find their base or anything concrete.

Still there was a decent looking cabin.

We went in there and it was gloomy.

It was their personal bin, in there, full of syringes and test tubes. Nothing that should concern the enemy until I found an emptied tube with a remaining of blood. After looking closely, they were thousands of them, with the same label."

I was horrified at the news. They were beings with no morals but I thought they'd have the decency to respect their own kind.

Before jumping to conclusion I should ask Max more details.

"Are they using innocent wolves for their experiences?"

Hopefully not.

"Max's dark eyes looked down, swallowing the truth she found. I could feel that she wasn't ready to share. After some seconds, I felt her determination back on her desk."

"I don't know, but each of the tubes wore one name only. Serah. It was your blood."

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