This is real - Scarlett X Reader

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Just saying, Robin gave me this idea. wrqtingtonight

Tw: sh, death, alcoholism

Third person POV

It's 2.45 pm, Scarlett isn't returning home before 4 pm at the earliest, and Y/n has been home for a total of 2 hours. While trying to figure out how to spend her four hours alone, she starts doing what she did before she and Scarlett moved in together, drinking. 

See, Y/n is what you would call a functioning alcoholic, she keeps a steady job, a good relationship, and the things that need to be kept in check are kept in check, but leave her alone for more than an hour or two, and she's deep diving into the wine racks or alcohol cabinets, and before you know it, she's so drunk you're forcing water down her throat on the bathroom floor. 

The last time she did this Scarlett returned home earlier than usual, so you would think she had figured out that doing it again would be a bad idea, but no, she's currently two bottles of wine deep, and she's only getting deeper. 

This time it's a little different though, instead of just drinking in the kitchen, she's moved to the bathroom, with a locked door behind her, which is different from the last time, so she has learned something. With her, is an opened bottle of wine, a closed one, and a small box. Her phone has been abandoned in the kitchen, so the text from Scarlett telling her she's going to be home by 3.30 is unnotified and might cause serious problems. 

The first bottle goes down, and the clock strikes 3.00 p.m. The second bottle is opened and we are on bottle number four. She grabs her little box from the sink, and unfortunately with the tremors caused by the alcohol it falls to the floor, and two equally sized blades fall out. 

Her shaking hand grabs onto it, and she grabs it as firmly as she can, at first she moves it at a slow and equal pace, she switches hands, and grabs a drink before continuing, at this time it becomes slobby and quick, more painful, which causes her numb grey eyes to start crying. 

It's 3.10 p.m. Scarlett is on her way home, this information is unknown to Y/n, she is obliviously sitting in their downstairs bathroom, drinking, crying, and bleeding. At 3.20 the highway is busy, and Scarlett's arrival time has been delayed, this she apologizes for, Y/n still doesn't know. 

She leaves the bathroom, blade in one hand, bottle in the other, blood trickling down her hands, dripping onto the hardwood floor, all the way out to the garden door. She reaches the shed and grabs a rope and a step stool. She cannot bleed on Scarlett's fine dining chairs, she respects her too much for that. 

She has gotten to a problem tho, how will she transport a blade, bottle, rope, and stool back into the house, without leaving one behind? A solution pops up, she empties the bottle and stuffs the blade in her pocket. She's back in the living room, to keep the carpet clean we are staying away from right next to the couch, so behind the couch, that's the best place. 

Stool has been placed, the rope has been thrown over the beam, and tightened enough. She takes a breath as she brings the loop over her head, she takes another breath, and now she is no longer standing, or breathing, she's just bleeding, on the floor, her eyes are rolled back, and if you were to ask her she's at peace. 

Scarlett has just gotten off the highway and is currently 5 minutes away from home, it's 3.45, so she's only 20 minutes delayed, which Y/n can't be mad about. She enters the driveway and the house seems quiet, Y/n might be sleeping. 

With her coffee and bags in her hands, opening the door is difficult, but she manages, "Hey, Y/N it's me! I'm sorry about being late, there was this crazy cue on the highway for some weird reason," She yells out. Then she notices the blood coming from the bathroom, "Y/n, are you okay?" She yells out again, getting no response. 

She puts her bags on the floor and takes one step further into the house when she notices something out of order to her right. Her head turns and her coffee falls to the floor, she yells out your name and hurries toward you. After fighting with the rope for a good five minutes she gets you to, but to no avail, your heart stopped not too long after your feet stopped standing. 

As she is on the phone with the 911 operator she's screaming and crying so hard in fact that the only words the poor woman on the other end gets nothing but the words 'suicide' 'help' and 'dead' which isn't much to go on, but enough for her to know the severity of the situation. Your head is lying in her lap as her hand carefully runs against your forehead, and her tears are flowing down on your face, her phone is on the floor. 

When the emergency responders arrive at your house, her arms are wrapped around your body, in an attempt to make herself believe that this hasn't happened, she's silently repeating your name and 'I love yous' hoping this is all a bad nightmare and that she's going to hear you say it back. But it isn't, its not a dream, or a nightmare, this is real. 

Yello, another one, blame Robs for this one, not me, if any of you are seriously triggered by this I do apologize, I try to warn and add trigger warnings at the start of any chapter that I feel need it, and if any of you feel like Y/n, please reach out, I know first hand how it feels, you are not alone, I love you. 

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