- Hospital - Scarlett X Daughter

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"Cocaine, side book, choker with a sea view, toothache, bad move, just act normal" I sing while driving in my car, I'm on the highway on my way home, it's 20.58, and I'm just getting back from filming. I keep singing and dancing in my seat, as I start to hear sirens which makes me turn down the music, "holy hell, what the heck happened," I say out loud, my eyes follow the ambulances and cop cars on the shoulder as I drive by it, I don't stop to look like some other people have, no I have to get home to mom, I'm already late for dinner, I can't be late for movie night too. 

I turn off the highway I get a call from mom which turns off the music, "Yello," I say, she's probably calling to check when I'll be home or something, "Mom? You there?" I ask her, but she doesn't respond, "Look mom I'm home in like 15 minutes, they had to slow us down because of some crash, don't worry I won't miss it I promise," I say and for the last time hope for a response, "Y/n," She whispers, there is a lot of noise in the background, people talking, and somebody is yelling. 

"Yeah mom, you didn't answer before, you okay?" I ask her, but she hangs up, "weird" I mumble but keep going home. 


I get to the house and it's dark inside, she must've gone to bed or something, which could also be the reason behind the locked front door. I get into the hallway and take my shoes up and put them in their place on the shoe rack, I put my coat on the hanger and walk into the kitchen turning on the light, I am starving and tired, so I get a cup noodle from the pantry and put on water to cook it. 

Waiting for it to boil I walk upstairs to see if mom is asleep or awake just to let her know I'm both home and safe. "Mom," I knock on her door and don't get an answer, I open it and empty, "even weirder," I mumble again, I shrug and go back downstairs to my food. I pour the water into the cup and walk to the couch to turn on the TV. 

"We have just gotten some information about the crash from earlier where a truck drove into a black civilian car, the truck driver is unharmed and the civilian in the other vehicle was rushed to the hospital as they weren't able to get into contact with them, and I have just now gotten some more information, the person in the car is no other than Scarlett Johansson. We send our hopes and prayers to her and her teenage daughter Y/n Johansson," The woman on the tv says, with the mention of my mom's name I drop my fork onto the floor and my heart starts beating faster. 

My phone starts to ring, first from Lizzie, who I ignore then Chris, who also gets ignored, and a bunch of other people. I can't breathe, my heart is beating, I am crying, my hands are shaking, that's why she called me earlier, that's why she isn't home. 

I need to get to the hospital. The second I get up from the couch someone is knocking on my door, I open it and two cops are standing there, "Y/n Johansson?" The man asks, I nod and they ask me to follow them, I put my shoes on and go with them, I sit in the back of their car to the hospital. 

I get escorted to her room, to security guards are standing out front and the cops join them, she isn't there, "Where is she?" I ask the lady cop and look at her, "She's in surgery," One of the security guards tells me, "What- What happened to her?" I ask them, "Sweetheart, there was an accident remember?" The cop tells me, and I nod, "I drove by it on my way home. She was there? she was right there and I just, kept driving," I sob, my legs give out under me and I fall, she catches me and sits me down on the floor. 

"She's going to be fine, right?" The cop asks the doctor who just walked in, "For now? yes, she has a head laceration which we got a ct for and it isn't more than a concussion, she has 2 fractured rips and she has a lot of contusions and face wounds plus a minor skin laceration on her which plastics will take care of when she wakes up, same with the head laceration, other than that she should wake up very soon," He informs me and walks off to his other patients.

After 3 minutes someone rolls her in, she has a lot of wounds on her face and bruises on both her arms, I sit down next to her bed and grab her hand, "Please be okay, please wake up," I whisper and place my head next to her arm and doze off. 


I wake up and I have no idea what time it is, I sit up and I look over at mom, the state she's in making me start crying again, some of her hair has fallen on her face so I tuck it behind her ear, "I'm scared mom, I am so scared," I tell her and look down at my feet grabbing onto her hand again, "So am I," Someone says, their voice raspy, I look up and my mom is looking at me, "omg," I say and hug her, "Ow," she exclaims, "Oh, I'm sorry" I apologize and kiss her on the top of her head as she would do to me. 

"Now what the hell were you doing out that late?" I ask her, she looks away and a tear run down her face, "Mom, it's okay, don't cry please," I plead, and wipe her cheek, "look, it doesn't matter anyway, as long as you're okay I don't care what you were doing," I tell her and she nods and smiles. 

"Now come here," She scoots over and pats her bed, "I don't think-" "Lay down," She demands, I stand up and take off my shoes, "you want any water while I'm standing?" I offer, she nods and I pour her water into a cup and hand it to her, she empties it and hands me back the cup. 

"Now lay down and get some rest," She demands yet again, I do as she says making sure to not lay down on any wires or on top of her hand with the IV in it, as soon as I lay down and turn off the light she is out and sleeping, a few moments after so am I. 

A/N: I am being very generous w yall, I props won't keep it up. Anywho, love yall take care<3

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