Hawk - Natasha X Daughter

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Natasha POV

"Clint, get that stupid bird out of here," Steve tells my best friend who looks just as confused as everybody else when they notice the bird.

"That is Not mine, don't even start icechip," He says, his nickname for Steve makes me chuckle and I look over at Tony knowing what nickname he gave Steve a couple of years ago.

"Okay then, which one of you owns the bird," Steve says and points up at it, we all deny it and he keeps bringing it up for the rest of the meeting.

We finish up and the bird which is a hawk flies out and follows after me, landing on my shoulder when nobody is around, I glide a finger over its head and it rubs its head against my cheek. "You know you can't do this in here Y/n," I tell my daughter and close the door to my room.

She flies down on the floor and comes back in her human form, I raise a brow at her and she lands back down on my bed laughing at Steve blaming Clint.

"Did you see how we blamed Clint, that was absolutely hilarious." She laughs, "and Clint calling him icechip, I have not heard that one before," She says and I start undressing and getting into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"Y/n, not to toot your horn or anything, but I was there remember," I remind her, she shrugs and continues laughing about the situation.

"We have movie night in 30, so are you going to join us?" I ask her.

"Maybe, I don't know, depends on the movie I guess," she says and sits up resting on her elbows.

"I'm gonna take a nap now, I've had a very long, very boring day, so please, move to your own room or somewhere else," I tell her and she looks offended.

"I'm napping too, I've also had a very long day, do you know how hard it is flying around after Peter when he's acting like an idiot in the middle of New York," she asks me and moves over creating space for me in my own bed.

I roll my eyes and get in the bed next to her, "you are unbelievable you know that right?" I ask her as she snuggles up in my arms.

"Yeah, but you love me so it's cool," she mumbles and fall asleep, I wish I could fall asleep that fast.

I wake up and Y/n is laying on my chest, still asleep, I shake her awake and tell her to get up and just carry either my blanket or duvet down to the couches so we can continue sleeping down there.

I get down and sure enough my duvet is on the couch, and Y/n is nowhere to be found. "Nat, where's Y/n? I wanted to show her something I've been working on," Tony asks me.

I shrug, "I have no ide-" I look up, and sure enough, a hawk is sitting on one of the pipes in the ceiling, it makes a squawking sound like it's laughing and Thor notices it.

"Look at that. That stupid bird is back from earlier," He says and points at it, I sigh knowing Steve is gonna start complaining about it again, I know we have a no pet policy but she's barely a pet.

"I am going to grill that animal when I get my hands on it," Steve grunts and sits on one of the couches.

"Steve, it's not that big of a deal," Tony says and looks up at it, "I think it's a rather pretty bird," he compliments and she takes it.

"Well then you can shoot it and have it taxidermied," Steve snarls at him and the hawk looks rather offended.

I laugh at him and look up at it, "okay Y/n get down here, that's enough for one day," I say and Steve looks at me in disbelief. She flies down and land on my shoulder. "Y/n," I say sternly and soon enough she is back in her human form in my arms on the couch.

"I am gonna kill you in your sleep Natasha," Steve threatens and points his finger at me.

I tilt my head at him and smile, "you go ahead and try, icechip," I say and look down at Y/n, who is also smiling. Sure Steve could've had a bad day, but then again, when does Steve not have a bad day.

A/n: I don't know what this is tbh, I thought of it a couple of days ago.

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