Hickey pt 2 - Scarlett X Daughter

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TW: If you are uncomfortable with a teenager smoking weed, this chapter is not for you. Also trigger warning for sh.

Not proofread


Music is blaring in my ears as I walk down the stairs, it's been a week since my mother and I's argument and I haven't said a word to her, not at any mealtime, not when I've left the house or when I've gone to bed, I haven't cuddled up with her on the couch or offered her a bite of any of the food I've eaten around her, and when she's tried to talk to me I've ignored her, and moved away from her. If she wanted me to forgive her, she would talk about the elephant in the room, her looking through my VERY hidden journal, and her completely ignoring and disregarding my feelings.

I walk into the kitchen and walk over to make my noodles, and unfortunately, the music makes hearing people around me very difficult, so when Lizzie walks over next to me I jump and look over at her, "What the hell?" I say and take out one of my headphones, "What are you doing here?" I ask her.

"I am here, to fix what happened between you and your mother," She says and eats one of the small pieces that has fallen out of the noodle package, "So enlighten me, what is going on?" I roll my eyes at her question and chuckle.

"You were there, it should not surprise you that I am mad at her, so stay out of my business," I say, grabbing my bowl and utensils and walking towards the stairs, "By the way, I'm sorry I caught you so off guard, it wasn't my intention," I say and walk back up to my room.

I've been sitting in my room for 3 hours and my mother has been up here two times, once to say Lizzie was leaving, and the second she sat in my room on my bed and started talking about something I didn't hear, something about her day I guess, and when I wasn't responding like I normally would, she left.

I sit up on my bed and grab the wooden board alongside my grinder and grab the little plastic baggie taped onto the inside of my bed, I do as I normally do, grind, place, roll, lick, stuff, and last but not least, open the window and lock my door, I turn on my speakers and start playing my normal playlist and I go at it, I have fun.

I'm halfway through when Reghan facetime me, "Heyyyyy," She says, and what a weird coincidence it is that she too is smoking, also in her room, "Can I come over?" She asks me.

I blow out the thick cloud and look at her, "Yeah, come whenever you wanna," I take another drag at it.

"Don't  you have to ask your mom first tho?"

"Fuck her man, plus, I don't give two shits if she wants you here or not," I shrug and look at her, we both burst out in laughter and she hangs up to get ready to come over here.

I can hear my mother say something down stairs and I'm pretty sure it's because Reg is here. I burn it out and walk down the stairs to greet her, as always we walk into the kitchen and look through the fridge and stuff to find some food, "Chips, popcorn orrrrr salt sticks?" I ask her and show her the different bags.

"Y/n, don't take the salt sticks please," Mom says as she  walks into the kitchen, I roll my eyes and throw the bag of chips to Reghan and put the popcorn back into the drawer I found it in.

We walk up to my room again, close the door, open the window and I find my joint again and hand it to her to light, which she does as I open the bag of chips.

We both lay down on my bed and just pass is between us, getting closer and closer to the filter, "thanks for coming over today," I mumble and blow out.

"Always, it's what I'm here for," she says and look at me, using her elbow to support her head, we hold eye contact and a smile creeps itself onto my lips, the joint is still in my hand, it being burnt out makes me place it on my bedside table still looking at her, my heart is pounding and my cheeks are turning red, so are hers, she uses her other hand to remove a hair from my face and just like that, we kiss, and it feels just as amazing as last time, and the time before that.

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