Scar X Daughter

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Prompt: "I promise mom, I'm not gonna leave, ever"
Your father said that too, and I know I told you that you were nothing like him, but I lied, you are every aspect of your father and it scares me.

The prompt is an original prompt from moi. Enjoy!!


Y/N pov

I glare over at the clock on my nightstand, '03.46' it reads in faint white numbers, I can't sleep, every time I close my eyes the smashing of that glass bottle against the wall shows up, every scream I've let out rummages through my ears, and every word spoken shows up like the credits at the end of a movie.

The good thing is that every movie has to come to an end, wether the hero wins or not that's up to the writers, and at some point the hero has to win, at some point the bad things stop, at some point you make it out alive.


One more hour till it's acceptable to get up, one more hour till I can stand up and clean the living room, and three more hours till the house needs to be spotless, three more hours till my mom and her girlfriend walks through the door expecting that I have ate breakfast and is on my way to school, three more hours till my morning is perfect.

Technically it isn't going to be perfect considering how everything just did a 180 and considering how hot my room is right now I may need to get up and open a window.


Now I definitely have to get up.

I drag my tired and sweaty body out of my white sheets to let the cat in, the cat who normally sleeps in my bed till morning, the cat who mostly is the reason I can sleep at night. But she didn't, she decided she wanted to go outside last night, which is totally fair, considering she is a cat, she also needs fresh air.


I've been awake for 2 hours now, I should definitely be more tired, and I am considering calling in sick, "hey, honey" ugh, "hey" I yell out and grab my school bag. I get to the door and they are both standing there, "sorry can't talk, I'm gonna be late" I yell and rush past both of them almost knocking Lizzie over.

Scarlett flashback

I wake up, it's 6 am and I have to get ready for work, I look to my left and my husband is no where to be found. Sigh, I get up and put some clothes on, I walk downstairs and into the kitchen and he is sitting eating breakfast, fair enough, "morning darling" I say and kiss him on the cheek and wrap my arms around his neck, he pushes me off and stand up, "morning, can't talk gotta go" he say as he rush out the door. "Right, I love you too" I whisper and clean up after him.

End of flashback.

The next couple of days things kept happening that made you look more and more like him, you would rush out the door, get loud, ignore me, throw tantrums, yell and scream at me, which wasn't the worst part, you really changed when you threw that bottle into a wall 2 inches from my head and then went over and hugged me after and apologized, the worst thing was having to explain it to Lizzie when she came home and saw the chattered glass and red wine all over the carpet.

"Scar, you have to do something, this can't keep happening, she is killing you" she said as we were falling asleep the night after, that night I fell asleep crying knowing she was right about you.

When you walked into the living room and me and Liz were watching a movie you sat down between us and lates down on me pushing Liz away from me, I don't know if it's jealousy or having to share me after me and your father got divorced.

I remember once you said something to me, that really hurt, it was something like, "I won't leave you" or something like that, and I didn't answer, I just went on with what I was doing, and that night when I told Lizzie about it she said something that made me realize something, she said, "even if she isn't leaving you, she is hurting you, and that is worse that if she just packed her bags and left" which made me think of your father. You know how he treated me, and I promised you, you wouldn't turn out like him, but you did, every ounce of your body, is your father, the only thing of me you have in you, is your beautiful eyes, and your broken, numb, dark heart.

I'm sorry I couldn't save you from turning out like him, I failed you -Love mom.

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