At least I'm trying - Natasha X Daughter

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Nat = Mama
Wanda = Mom

"Y/n are you serious?!" Mama yells as she barges into my bedroom.

"Jesus, hello to you too?" Confused, I close my laptop, "why are you freaking out?" I ask her.

"You're failing math, geography, and German? What did I say about school and work?"

"School comes before work," I mumble.

"Exactly, school before work, so why, in the world, are you failing?" She asks me, thinking she already knows the answer, "you used to be perfect you know that? You're grades used to be perfect," she sighs and walks back out of my room without letting me say anything.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I mumble while rolling my eyes as I open my laptop back up.

"Y/n, dinner is ready!" Mom yells up the stairs. I can already by the tone of her voice hear that my failing math is going to be tonight's dinner conversation as if we don't have anything more interesting to talk about.

"Be right down!" I yell back. I get off my bed and look into my mirror, "welp, it was nice knowing you," I say to myself and salute before walking down to dinner.

I'm 2 meatballs in when mama clears her throat, signaling to mom that now's the time or something like that. They send each other looks discussing who's gonna bring it up first.

Getting annoyed by it I throw my fork onto the plate and groan, "Jesus can you just get it together," I tell them both. They both look at me surprised. "Yes, I am failing math and geography and whatever the fuck that last subject was, and yes, my work might be the cause for that. But frankly, I do not give a shit, I couldn't care less about my grades at this point," I complain.

"Y/n, we're just a little concerned," Mama says and mom grabs her hand, gross, "we just want you to talk to us. An F in a subject You're usually good at is just-"

"Nat, let's remember to phrase this right please." Mom reminds her, "y/n, all we're saying is, you have to keep an eye on your grades. It's going to have a huge impact on your future," Mom says and looks at me.

"At least I am trying, I am doing what I can with what I have," I say on the verge of tears, in frustration I stand up and place my hands on the table, "and god knows if I even want a future at this point," I say as I push my hands off the table and walk back upstairs leaving them both dumbfounded and confused.

"Honey, can I come in?" Mom knocks on my door.

I hum in response still focused on what's going on, on my laptop as she walks in. She sits down on my bed and grabs my hand. "Y/n,"


"Come with me," She pulls me up from the bed and practically drags me down the stairs to mama sitting at the dining table with two glasses of wine standing in front of her. One for each of them I assume.

We all sit in silence for twenty minutes, well, they're small talking and I'm silent, staring down at my hands trying to fix one of my nails which is bleeding. "Y/n," my name being mentioned pulls my attention from my fingers and up at my moms who are still small talking.

As I decide to actually speak and I take a deep breath. "Okay, I'll talk then," I say and they both look over at me. "If you promise me you'll listen for once without blaming me, getting mad, annoyed, or anything remotely close to that," they both agree, mama is a little more hesitant about it than mom, which makes sense.

"Mama, you said it yourself, I am failing, my grades are crashing, and I am falling behind," I start to cry, "And I hate that I am falling apart, I used to be perfect, like you said, top of my class, I was the one setting the curve. And then I just, fell behind," I dry my nose in my sleeve and look up at both of them.

"But there are other things that I would much rather focus on that being valedictorian, even if it hurts my whole being perfect mindset,"

"Y/n, we hear what you're saying, and we understand but-" mom starts which sets me off.

"How could you understand? You can't understand, at this point neither of you could ever understand! Fuck it, you didn't even start Highschool, how would you understand!" I yell at both of them, which I can tell hurts them both, deeply, and I also regret saying it, quite a lot.

"I- I'm sorry," I say quickly and they share a look, "I didn't mean that,"

"No, we know, and I know you have a lot going on, simply by the comment you made earlier about you not wanting a future anymore. What's that about?" Mom questions me, I didn't even think she heard it.

"It means exactly what it is, if I can't even be halfway decent in high school or at my job let alone be good enough here, how would I be able to have a future?" I ask them both, knowing neither of them have the answer.

"Why would you not be good enough here?" Mama questions me and grabs my hand across the table.

"If I was, you would want to spend more time around me that just four days every month if I'm lucky. At this point I'm raising myself, and even when you are home you won't even let me stay here, you practically force me to school, and I know I just complained about wanting to do better, but I would much rather spend my time with you guys." They are both shocked, very, shocked by the fact that I just told them both that they are absent mothers.

"Y/n, of course you are good enough, of course we want you here, we just believe that it's important for you to focus on your school too, and then we can all hang out after you've been to school. We're doing the best we can't honey," Mama pushes, and she is right, we normally do things after I've been the school, and I always end up ruining it, because of how tired I am.

"I just told you that I wanted to spend time with you, my mothers, which is rare for kids, teenage girls especially, and you say that my school is more important? God, can you be happy that I'm at least trying to be a decent kid and student at the same time?" I say before getting up and walking back up to my room.

"Well that was a waste of time," I mumble before getting ready for bed, because as mama said, I have school, which apparently is more important.


Right before I fall asleep mom walks in. "Hey honey, can I come in?" She asks even though she's already sitting on my bed, well, technically I am sleeping in their bed so it is her bed, but still.

"What happened down there?" I roll my eyes at her question and turn my back to her. "Angel please, I am trying to listen and understand, because I really do, I really want to understand," she says and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"I just, need you guys to be here for more than just a couple of days every month. You know I did the math, you barely spend 2 months with me every year," the information I've just given shocks her.

It also shocks mama when she walks into their bedroom, both that I'm in there and the info. "Think about it, honestly, I was used to spending like almost every day with you guys, and then things turned and boom, you are probably spending more time with other kids than with me, which, it's fair, but still, I miss my moms," I speed through most of that part as it really is something I'm just saying to get the conversation over with quicker as I actually do want to sleep.

"Angel," Mom starts and mama grabs her hand still standing beside her. "We're going to do better, I promise; we, we promise we are going to do so much better, and we're going to be here, and we're going to help you with your grades and whatever else you need our help with. Because you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and your mama," she assures me and I smile up at both of them.

"Hm, I love you guys too, it's just been, very quiet lately, which is weird," I laugh a little, "I'm still sleeping in here though," I remind them.

"Wouldn't have it any other way," Mom says and kiss my forehead before getting up to get ready for bed.

"Goodnight," I say to both of them.

"Goodnight Angel, love you," mom says from the bathroom.

"We love you Y/n, goodnight" Mama follows up

Would y'all believe me if I said there is only like 23 chapters left of this book? ◡̈

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