- Buzzfeed interview - Scar X Daughter

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"Hi, my name is Y/N Johansson and I am here with Buzzfeed, to answer some fan questions," I say to the camera in front of me, "First question. Are you going to be in another marvel movie?" I raise my hands and look into the camera raising my brow, "you really thought, huh?" I say sarcastically and the people behind the camera laugh as well. 

"Next question, do you have any fun memories from the set of any of the movies or series you have been in?" I have to think about this, 

"That's a good question actually, um yes, when I first got to the set of The 100, Eliza, Marie, Alycia, and Lindsey were so lovely and really tried to make me feel welcome, on my first day there I was so nervous I loved and still love the series and I am a big fan of Alycia especially, and when we were filming one of the days it started raining, like a lot, and I had earlier mentioned how much I just love sitting by a window and just drink hot cocoa and talk, so the girls came and found me and remind you I was like 12 or 13, so when they got me, I got so excited and we had loads of fun, it really changed my perspective on like the acting community. 

"Who are Y/N's parents?" heh, good one, "Well, the beautiful woman who gave birth to me, is the Scarlett Johansson, love her so much, basically started my career and helped me get started, and my father is a very tall dark-haired man living in a little suburban house in Houston Texas." 

"Do you still talk to your father? We haven't seen you with him at any of the shows and other things you have been to lately" I knew this would come up, 

"Sadly I have not, when my mother came out as Lesbian and got a girlfriend 3 years ago he kinda distanced himself, and then when I came out he completely freaked out and blamed it on them, so we kinda agreed to disagree and went our separate ways, I think he's married now though" I shake my shoulders. 

"What is your favorite animal?" 

"Well, I love cats, like I would die to get another cat," 

"Well, actually we have something to show you," a guy behind the camera says and he walks out with a box of something, with little meows coming out of them, omg. He hands me the box and I sit down on the floor, "Omg, hi, hi guys" I say in a high-pitched voice, "How are you? Little cuties," I pick them up one by one and place them on the floor, "What breed are they?" I ask the lady standing with a shirt on that says NYC animal adoption "Norwegian forest cats," she says and my face lights up, "I have one of you guys, well she's a little older, but still, she's a total sweetheart" I say and start playing around with the kittens. 

"Well, Y/N it has been lovely having you here today," one of them says to me, "nooo, I'm not ready to leave," I say and make a pouty face, one of the kittens has fallen asleep on my lap, "What I wouldn't do to be able to bring this little girl home," I say "They are up for adoption," the woman from the adoption center says, "really? hold on, can someone bring me my purse?" I ask and one of them brings me my bag, I take out my phone and call my mom, I press speaker, and the beeping sound sounds out in the silent room. 

"Hey honey," my mom says as she picks up, "Hey, mom, you remember that time you said you would do anything for me?" I say and look at the camera, "well, with boundaries yes, what do you want?" hehe "So, you know I'm at that Buzzfeed interview, around 5 minutes ago they brought in a bunch of kittens, the same breed as Shadow, and I was wondering if maybe I could adopt her and take her home?" I say begging she says yes, "I- Y/N its a big responsibility getting another pet, and you have almost no time already, so can you put time into this cat, then yes, you can bring her home," 

"I promise, I will, I already have a name for her, thank you, I love you mom, and ill see you later, bye," I say and hang up, "So, what are we naming her?" the cat lady asks, "Widow, her name is Widow" I smile and pick her up Simbs style in front of the camera. 

My Widow. 

A/N, I do not condone adopting any sort of pet in this way, and I believe that to adopt a new pet you need to be prepared. anyways, love yall<3 wish me good luck on my exam Wednesday, take care<3

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