Charlie. Faith in the fall.

Start from the beginning

"Even better, the four of us in Paris sounds amazing"

"Sometimes you have to much imagination" Charlie was trying to control his nerves, but inside, he was on fire. It had been five years since he had exchanged more than 10 words a year with Nick, and all of a sudden, there he was again... and it felt just like it used to. Like it had for so long.

Like it felt before everything disappeared and he left.

Maybe I'm jumping to soon. I don't know if I'm ready.

"Was I too direct or too soon? ... Forget what I said, I can go to the concert and see how we feel." Nicks apologies shine in his phone, and now he felt worse.

"Or I can not go if you want. Whatever you prefer. I just want to see you again."

"For the love of God, answer that man, he's going crazy." Tao was right; Charlie couldn't judge Nick for wanting to reconnect with him. He had to be patient and not have too many expectations that could ruin everything.

"No, no, no. Please come to the concert. I'm dying to see you again... and, of course, we can talk later, more calmly."

"Perfect. I'm glad, I feared for a moment that I crossed a line."

"I understand... I'm just, you know, scared. But I'm excited."

"Was I too honest?"

"I think it's brave. I mean, you won't get anywhere if you're not honest."

Nick took some time to reply. So much so that they arrived at his house, greeted his parents, and everyone celebrated Tao's presence before heading up to Charlies's room to continue figuring out what to do.

"Why isn't he answering?"

"Maybe he's processing everything..."

Now Tao's phone buzzed. It was Nick, to both of their surprise.

"Hello, friend. It's been a long time. I know you're back, and I'm back too, with a photography project that you might find interesting. It would be a great way to spend time together. Let's talk more tomorrow, and you can tell me what you think."

Tao seemed to feel a mix of desperation and affection at the same time. "Clearly, he's trying to reconnect with everyone. Damn, he's adorable."

"TELL HIM YES," Charlie shouted from his bed as he threw a plushie at Tao, mimic the line he shouted to him earlier.

"Only if you invite Elle to your concert so I can see her."

"Are you kidding? Elle rarely misses one of my concerts. You have to invite her to go with you."

"Okay... okay. You have to teach me to be as brave as you."

"Sorry for taking so long to reply. I'm at the center with the girls, and... I have a lot to process. I'm also scared. But I'm really excited to see you <3"

The heart emoji that enlarged on the screen made his real heart skip a beat.

He could still feel the butterflies from the first message he received from Nick, so many years ago, in this very room. When he was just a broken 15-year-old in a thousand pieces.

Now he was an adult, broken in a thousand more ways. But stronger in others, repaired and patched up by life.

Once again, he had to have faith in the fall... and let himself just be.

"I am too <3"

"So after the concert, we can hang out and talk."

"Sounds good. I can't believe we'll all be together again."

"Me neither, I've missed it a lot. The girls scolded me for my absence."

"You'll have to endure more scolding if you see Tao tomorrow, though."

"How do you know that?"

"He's here with me."

"I can't believe both Darcy and Tara and Tao are behind all of this."

"I know, it's like they have a sinister plan to get us talking again."

"I'm glad they succeeded."

"Me too."

"Haha why are they like this?"

"Haha, I don't know. Why are we like this? It's our group, after all."

"Well, sinister plan or not, it worked. The girls didn't convince me of anything. I wanted to."

"Same here. Tao supported me, but... it was all my idea."

"See you on Friday? <3"

"See you on Friday <3"

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