Chapter 54

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"Just be careful," Gojo-sensei says before letting Inumaki and I go off for our mission, "especially you," He raises an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah, yeah," I say, waving him away.

"And take care of Toge," He pats Inumaki's shoulders, "His throat isn't in its best condition right now,"

"Okaka, takana!" Inumaki pouts a bit, insisting that he was okay. Gojo-sensei laughs softly at his reaction, then pushes us towards the building in front of us. He disappears just as quickly. I enter the building and notice numerous random objects lying around the place. I even see a few knives and rocks.

But I don't see the Cursed Spirit.

Activating my power, I look through the walls, searching for the Spirit. I immediately flinch backward as I spot strings of Cursed Energy all around the building. I realize that the strings are connected to the items that I saw earlier.

"Takana?" Inumaki notices my movement and turns to me.

"Be careful," I warn, nodding towards the objects. He tilts his head but nods. He takes a careful step away from the book near his feet.

I study the strings more carefully, observing that they all start (or is it the end?) from the ceiling. I take a mental note of that as I continue walking.

Suddenly, before any of us can react, a knife swings towards us. It brushes past my face, lightly grazing the side of my cheeks. A drop of blood rolls down my chin before the cut closes up. I turn around just in time to block another swinging knife.

The knife seems like it is floating in mid-air, when in fact, it is connected to a string of Cursed Energy. 

"Takana?" Inumaki runs over to me, a worried expression on his face. I nod, looking around cautiously. Who knows when another knife could attack us?

Then, something drops from the ceiling, aimed at our heads. Inumaki and I move away in time, but just barely.

"Tuna!" He warns, looking up. I focus on the ceiling as well. Countless other objects are floating above our heads. We try to move to a different spot, but the crowd of items follows us. So instead, I take a defensive stance, as we don't know which ones would drop first.

"Get ready," I mutter. Inumaki lowers his body, looking up.

Then they start falling. Dangerously fast.

I flinch away from the rock and almost get hit by the hammer. Inumaki easily dodges the objects, as he is one of the fastest and most agile people in our grade. Then, as we're distracted by the ceiling, rocks fly towards us from the side.

F*ck. I forgot about the walls.

I turn around to see a rock flying at Inumaki, close to his neck and head. Without a second though, I push him away; now the stone is aimed at me. I don't bother to dodge it as Itami will regenerate the wound anyway.

But I feel a tingly feeling in my body, especially my eyes. The rock is now only a few centimeters away from me. I wait for the hit to come.

It doesn't.

Instead, it hits something around me. Something invisible. Maybe it's the Limitless, again? I'm a little surprised for a second, but I focus on the objects again.

Mini Time Skip

"Okaka..." Inumaki mutters as he continues to dodge.

It's been some time already, but the items don't seem to run out.

"Maybe we should," I pause a bit to move, "Find the Spirit first,"

He nods in agreement and gives me a look.


Just as the books start falling and the nails fly at us, we take off, running wherever the empty hallways take us.

However, we realize too late that we shouldn't have run at all. The Spirit won't be there. Because it's behind us.

I feel it.

(614 words)

Asa;lskdfghksjakljs;fhkgadl; sorry to keep you guys waiting for so long ;-;

I'll try my best to go back to weekly updates :I

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