Chapter 45

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In a lower voice, the Cursed Spirit threatens, "Don't come close. Or she die,"

[The Spirit's going to kill Haneki...!]_Okkotsu

'Just let me die then,' I want to say, but of course, I can't talk with that f*cking hand over my mouth.

Okkotsu stays silent for a while, hundreds of different plans forming in his overthinking mind. I sigh to myself. Seeing that he probably won't make up a decision quickly, I start a solution of my own.

Quietly, I slide my hand, the one still grasping the gun, out from behind my back. Carefully, checking that there are still 5 bullets left, I rest a finger on the trigger. Then I bring my free hand down on the Spirit's tiny wrists, earning myself a clearly audible crack. I spot small trickles of blood rolling down her hand.

"#*!&^!!" She cries out in pain, letting my mouth go free. At that moment, I shoot at her neck. But I miss my target by a bit. Instead, the bullet merely scrapes the chin of the Spirit. The only damage done is a small wound that disappears in just seconds.

"F*ck," I mutter to myself, letting out a sigh. The Spirit glares at me angrily. Okkotsu attacks her from behind, but the Spirit summons a wall of petals that successfully blocks the swing. The Spirit advances on me quickly, taking large steps. I stay still.

A thought I hadn't entirely seemed to have let go comes back, 'If I let her attack me, I can die,'

However, surprising myself, I start remembering what Gojo-sensei told me.

If you want to kill more Spirits, you have to be alive. The least you can do to your family is to kill more Cursed Spirits 

Even if I can't kill Itami... there are still plenty of other Cursed Spirits to kill. Like this one. I sigh and reluctantly push the thought out of my head. After all, I do know who my... real family is now.

When the Cursed Spirit is only a few steps away from me, I lunge at it, my fist full of Cursed Energy. I swing, not really expecting it to hit, as the Spirit dodged two attacks last time. As expected, all I hit is empty air, and I feel the Spirit's presence behind me. Luckily, Okkotsu had finished fighting off a second wave of petals and came to my assistance.

I nod a quick thanks as the Spirit back off, one of her legs missing from Okkotsu's attack. However, she regenerates in just a matter of seconds, barely giving us an advantage.

Suddenly, I hear a shout from Okkotsu, "Haneki!"

Flinching, I look to the side. The Spirit has launched herself at the space next to me. As my eyes lock onto her menacing face, just inches away from mine. Before the gasp could escape me, bony hands cover my mouth and face, plummeting my body down to the hard ground, causing stray debris and rock fragments to surround the air around me. Like a wolf wearing a sheep's mask, the Cursed Spirit's thin and frail wrists don't accurately reflect its strength.

My head explodes in pain, and I feel blood already streaming down my forehead and neck. My mind becomes momentarily blank, whiteness swirling in my head. Feeling the unconsciousness coming before it actually does, I take out my gun and shoot at the Cursed Spirit above me. I sense more blood dropping onto my hands and hear a small shriek. However, no major damage is done.

"F*cking Spirit," I mutter, gaining back my full consciousness. Then she releases me, and air gasps into my empty lungs, forcing out light coughs. I glare up at the Spirit, expecting another attack. However, the Spirit simply puts grasps the bundle of dead flowers with both of her hands. Looking through the flowers, I see a rapid increase in the flow of Cursed Energy.

"Huh?" I tilt my head in confusion. Is she summoning another tsunami of petals? I stand up, still holding my gun, and brace myself for an attack.

But what I hear is something I haven't expected.

"Domain Expansion: Curse of Thorns,"

"Oh f*ck,"

(677 words)

sry if it doesn't rly make sense

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