Chapter 20

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"Fine," I say reluctantly as I stand up. I follow Gojo-sensei out to the streets, where a big, black car is parked. Ijichi-san is waiting for us, standing straight and still.

"Get in," He opens the back door, and we, Inumaki, Fushiguro, and I climb in. Gojo-sensei sits in the front.

Time Skip

As we get off the car, I hurriedly pull my hood down and push my hair back. I don't need any guards to recognize me.

"So this is the place," Gojo-sensei says, looking up at a building. The building I used to live in. The building Hakuto died in.

"Wait a min," He tells us as he walks over to a nearby policeman. We can't hear anything, but we see them talking. Actually, it's only Fushiguro and Inumaki who can't hear anything.

[What does this guy want?]

[They're gonna let us in for sure!]

"Haneki," Fushiguro suddenly calls.

"Huh? Yeah?" I stop the mind-reading to listen to the actual talking.

"You... didn't-"

Before he finishes, I cut him off, "I don't know. You won't be getting an answer out of me anytime soon," Fushiguro doesn't say anything.

"Megumi! Toge! Haneki! " Gojo-sensei calls us over with a quick wave of his hand. We slowly walk over to him.

"Let's go in!" He marches us into the building as soon as we reach him.

"Do I have to?" I ask, slowing down my pace even more.

"Yup," Gojo-sensei takes a step behind me and pushes me forward.

A police guard greets us with a stern face, "Up there," He points up the stairs. We take our time to climb up the flights of stairs. I forgot how steep these steps could be...

"Ah, here we are," Gojo-sensei points at a tape-covered door with both hands.

"It's all your fault!"


"I killed him for you!"

"Who should die next?"

"Your fault..."

"Die, you b*tch!"

Memories rush into my head like a tsunami, and I take a step back, scared of what I'll see. Inumaki gives me a reassuring smile and slightly pushes me forward. I give my head a little shake, I'm being too much of a baby; I'm overreacting.

A guard blocks our path, saying "You're the-"

"Yes, yes, yes," Gojo-sensei steps around him and motions us to follow, "We have permission," The guard doesn't look convinced, but lets us through.

"There's no one in there, so be careful," The guard warns us before we step in. Gojo-sensei just waves him away. Gojo-sensei opens the door without hesitation, and we're immediately hit by unpleasant odors.

"No, no, no, no, no, no..." I shake my head as I close my eyes. Mom, Dad, and Natsuki are still lying on the exact same spot. Although the blood has been cleaned up, it just makes the wounds more visible.

"This is worst than I thought," Sensei comments, leaning down on Natsuki, "So this is...?" I blink open one eye to see who he's talking about.

"Natsuki..." I answer with a short glance.

"How did she die?"

"She... stabbed herself with the kitchen knife," I say, looking at the long wound at the side of her neck. I can't stop looking for some reason.

"So... this is a suicide," Fushiguro says, forming a conclusion. A million other hypothesis's streak through his mind and it makes me dizzy just from reading it all.

"Not exactly?" I say, shrugging, "She was trying to kill me first, but missed her swing, so..." Gojo-sensei nods along, prodding a finger into Natsuki's wound.

"Tuna, tuna!" Inumaki suddenly calls us over from another room. We hurriedly go in, all wondering what he found. It's a Cursed Spirit.

"What?!" Fushiguro lets out a surprised shout, and puts his hands together, getting ready to summon his Divine Dogs.

"Hakuto...?" I slowly nudge Fushiguro away, stepping closer to the Spirit. He still looks like Hakuto, but his skin his pale, almost white, and he had no skin around his hips, showing only a thin bone. His head snaps towards me, his eyes blank.

"Hakuto..." I take another step towards him. Then someone pulls me back.

"Don't," Fushiguro says, "He's a Curse now,"

(653 words)

Heh. Can't believe i'm at chapter 20 already. Thank you for reading this although my writing skills are crap and i have rly slow updates. and i appreciate all your votes, it rly helps me continue writing. also, thank you for the writing suggestions sent to me privately (u know who u are)


and sry for late update

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