Chapter 44

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Turning around, I'm immediately faced with the outline of the Spirit. Hundreds of streams of Cursed Energy swirl inside the figure, portraying its strength. I flinch as I reach my hand down to the small gun in my pocket. Meanwhile, Okkotsu is in stance, nervously searching around the room for the Spirit. He still doesn't see it.


The spirit tilts its head, and it feels like it's staring through my soul. I slowly take the gun out and hide it behind my back, where I check that the bullets are loaded and ready. Then I immediately point the revolver at what I think is the head of the Spirit. Without hesitation, I shoot.

A piercing shout of non-understandable words rings through the empty room, leaving our ears numb. From behind, Okkotsu jumps and lands with a hard swing at the Spirit's left arm.

"Did I hit it?" He asks as he back off. I nod and watch as color begins to appear on the Spirit's new wounds.

"Watch out," I warn him as we take another step back. Slowly, the color begins to spread around the Spirit's still body, until we can begin to see its true form.

The Cursed Spirit has a lean figure, with skin as pale as snow. Its eyes are so dark I'm not even sure it has eyes at all. A thin piece of cloth covers its head and hair, and it reaches all the way down to its waist. A pair of bony hands clutch a small bundle of withered flowers, and I spot wide strings of Cursed Energy in the flowers. Maybe it is a weapon the Spirit uses.

[There it is...!]_Okkotsu

I dash at the Spirit with my fist glowing from Cursed Energy. Okkotsu takes my move as a sign and charges too, his katana raised above his head. I get ready to land my punch; the Spirit's head is right in front of me. Okkotsu and I swing at the same time.

And both miss.

"Huh?" Confused, I look back at the Spirit. But all I see is the floor. Then I realize I'm pinned to the ground. I struggle to free myself, shaking my body and arms in a desperate and useless attempt. Next to me, Okkotsu is fighting against a wave of... black petals?

"No, no, no!" The Spirit (judging from her voice, she's a female) suddenly screams at my face, "I hate you! I hate! You! I #^%&*&^!" The Spirit goes back to talking in a foreign language but continues yelling in rage. Meanwhile, with a small sigh from Okkotsu, I notice that he has finished dealing with the petals. He nears the Spirit and me, his katana raised in front of him. Seeing him approach, the Spirit flips me over, holds up the hand with the bouquet threateningly, and rests the other on my neck. I flinch a bit as I feel the Spirit's knee on my chest.

"(*&##^$!" She yells at Okkotsu, in a warning way.

"I didn't understand any of the sh*t you just said," I say angrily, building enough force to land a kick on the Spirit's back. However, giving no reaction to my attack, she takes her hand off my neck and covers my mouth. I grumble in frustration.

"Don't come close," She repeats, this time in a language that we can actually understand, "Or she die,"

(551 words)

sry that the chapters r getting shorter... ill try to get them up to 600-700 again!

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