Chapter 34

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The pink lump of muscle, mostly covered in blood, lands on the floor.

"Did I do that?" I ask cautiously. Inumaki had told me to keep her alive... Did I fail that already? Fortunately, Ichika shakes her head, and a breath of relief escapes me. At least I wouldn't be the one who killed her if she died. I then reach up, where tapes wrap tightly around her small wrists. Maybe she would like to finally move. However, Ichika shakes her head and opens her mouth to say something before realizing she can't talk without her tongue.

[Can you take the... things out of me first?]_Ichika

"Huh?" I'm confused for a moment. What things? Ichika points her head wearily in the direction of her arm; the chopped one. Then I notice that what was sticking out was not a bone, but a metal rod. I observe eight rods in all. One sticking out of her right arm, three pierced into her left arm, and two in each of her legs.

[Yes, those!]_Ichika

[Please take them out!]_Ichika

[They hurt]_Ichika

I swiftly pull out the one in her right arm. Doing it slowly will only bring more pain. I remove the rod and cover my ears immediately as Ichika starts screaming hysterically. I guess it hurts whether I take it out slowly or not.

"Sorry," I apologize, "But you told me to take it out, so..." I give her a helpless shrug, but I noticed that my facial expression was quite blank.

[Just... speed it up please]_Ichika

I give another nod as I speed up the process. The other rods were all out before the minute was over. By the time I'm done, my entire arm is covered in Ichika's blood, and the ground is drenched in red. Ichika is sweating hard, and her eyes look closed. Tiredness sweeps over her entire body.

Ignoring the constant shouts of pain going on in her head, I pick up the chainsaw and fiddle around with it.

[What are you...]_Ichika

I find the safety switch and turn it off, and inactivate the chain brakes. I start pulling the trigger switch simultaneously, at a faster pace, until the chain motor is spinning at a reasonable speed.


Ichika looks shocked and looks up at me in fear. I raise the chainsaw up, the motor roaring loudly above me.

"Aaahhh!!" Ichika suddenly yells out, causing me to flinch.

"What?" I ask, surprised by the sudden noise.

[Please don't kill me now...]_Ichika.

Her eyes flinch close as she begs, and I see her hands clenched into tight fists.

"Who said I was going to kill you?" I ask, confused.

[But, your, the chainsaw-]_Ichika.

I sigh and raise the chainsaw again. Before Ichika can say anything, I get it roaring to life again and slowly cut away the parts near her wrist. I feel Ichika flinching beneath me again, and I fight the urge to roll my eyes. Pieces of tape float down, and soon, she's free from the wall. I catch Ichika before she falls face-first onto the hard ground, and prop her up against the wall. Then I double-check her wrists to make sure I didn't harm her, as she can't regenerate. Lucky. 

[T- Thanks...]_Ichika

Ichika lets out a sigh of relief and I guess, fear. She closes her eyes, breathing heavily. I don't stop reading her mind, in case Death suddenly decides to take her. Then something catches my eye. I bend down and pick up the rusting rod, still covered in blood. I inspect it, twirling it around my fingers a bit and slightly poking the top.

[Be careful with that]_Ichika

Totally ignoring her warning, I grip the edge of the rod like how I would handle a knife. Then I bring it down right below my ribcages.

(608 words)

So sry for the late update

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