Chapter 14

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"Tuna, tuna?" Inumaki is waiting for us in front of the door, with Fushiguro next to him. Gojo-san gives them a small wave along with a smile I'm bored of looking at already.

"Tuna?" Inumaki asks again, in his weird tuna and salmon language. Gojo-san answers with a nod and pats my head.

"She's Haneki," He introduces me and leads all three of us into a long one-floor building made of wood.

"This is the classroom," He shows me a classroom with a few tables, chairs, and a blackboard. He pushes us into the room and tells us to sit down. Inumaki and Fushiguro sit down, and stare at Gojo-san. I walk over to the window, and look out, seeing a giant field and more buildings. A few people are walking around, too.

"Sit. Down," Gojo-san forces me down on a chair and pats my head again. Why does everyone pat my head?

"So," He walks to the front of the classroom and starts talking, "We have a new pre-student: Haneki!" Silence.

"C'mon. Welcome her a bit," Gojo-san says, starting to clap.

"Shake shake!" Inumaki says, clapping along. I fight the urge to roll my eyes. At least Fushiguro is being quiet.

"So I just have a few questions I want to ask," Gojo-san, who is suddenly in front of me, says, "What do you know about our world of Jujutsu Sorcerers? Do you know what powers you have? What information about the Cursed Spirit inside of you do you have?"

"Wha-" I try to process the questions in my head but fail. How does he speak so fast?

"Oh, and your age," He adds.

"I can answer that, 13," I say, "But the other questions... I literally understood only 10 percent of what you said,"

"I'll take that as an 'I don't know anything' for all questions, then," He says, giving a sigh, "You don't even know about the Cursed Spirit? It's inside of you. How can you not know about it?"

"You can stop making me feel stupid," I shoot a glare at him, but answer the question, "If the 'Cursed Spirit' you're talking about it Itami, I can say he is the biggest jerk I know,"

"More details please," He says, looking impatient. He starts pacing around the room

"Well... when I first met him he was some old grandpa. But now he's just a floating eyeball. Dunno how, but, uh, he sometimes regenerates my injuries and, again, I don't know how, but he is resistant to poison? Oh and fire, too. And, this is really annoying, but he comes out sometimes from here," I point at my scar, the only wound Itami refuses to heal. Or can't

"Wait. Wait. Wait. He 'comes out'?" Gojo-san asks, stopping in place.

"Yeah," I answer, "He might come out soon,"

"Call him out," He orders me. I'm about to say no because my scar would probably start bleeding again, which will surely dirty the floor.

"What do you want," Itami asks as he slithers out. I want to punch him really badly.

"Aha. There it is," Gojo-san says, looking serious for once. Then he charges at Itami with incredible speed, preparing a punch.

"Eek," Itami shrieks as he goes back into me, and I roll my eyes. Coward. Gojo-san and the two other student exchange glances with each other.

"That's a first," Gojo-san said, looking amused.

"A Spirit that just comes out..." Fushiguro mutters to himself. Inumaki just brings me some cloth for the blood that is starting to ooze out of the wound again. I'm so bored of that happening...

"Toge and Megumi, you guys can go out," Gojo-san said, "I need to talk to Haneki,"


(593 words)

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