"Happy birthday babe we love you so much" Camila gushed. "Make a wish," she said, leaning forward so Lauren could blow out her candle.

"I don't need anything I have everything I want right here" she smiled. Lauren blew out the candle "We can have some later, a cake isn't for breakfast" Lauren said as Camila pouted. Henry had bought her flowers and chocolates that Camila had helped pick out. Then she opened Camila's present it was a locket with pictures of her and Camila on one side and Henry in the other. It was engraved with "we love you always" on the back.

"It great Camz, thank you" she handed it to Camila to put on for her. She ran her fingers over it "thank you."

Camila grabbed her phone "Henry come over here family selfie" as Henry squeezed between them. "No pulling faces, smiling Henry" Camila laughed. They all smiled as Camila took the picture "That's a good looking family" Camila chuckled. "Now silly one," she said as they all pulled faces.

"I'm just nipping to the bathroom," Lauren said as she managed to get off the bed around all the stuff. As the door closed, Camila put her finger to her lip as she looked at Henry.

She got the knife and cut up the cake "it's Lolo's birthday, cake for breakfast won't hurt once" she said. She cut three pieces off and passed one to Henry as she started to tuck into hers.

Lauren could hear giggling outside as she washed her hands "What are you up to Camila Cabello?" she shouted through the door.

She opened the door "Quick Henry run and take your cake she can't get both of us, I will take one for the team" Camila laughed as Henry sprinted off the cake in hand giggling his head off.

Lauren stood in the doorway, trying to look mad as Camila tried to finish her piece of cake. She dashed around the bed and knocked Camila on to the bed as she held the cake at arm's length. Lauren laid on top of her "You're a big child Camila Cabello good job I love you." Lauren grabbed the last bit of Camila's piece of cake and put it in her mouth.

"I will get you back tonight just wait Ms Jauregui" Camila laughed as Lauren swallowed the cake. Camila leant up and kissed her "Nice you taste so sweet. Oh god Lord sticky hands is back" Camila laughed as Henry came into the room he had frosting all over his face and hands. "I think you should give Lolo some birthday kisses and hugs."

"Don't forget mummy" Lauren called as she stopped Camila from moving as Henry dived on the bed. The room erupted into squeals and giggles, and Lauren thought this was most likely one of the best birthdays she had ever had.

A few hours later Lauren was about to make a call she didn't want to make. A few of her bar staff had rung in sick, and there was one new girl left. Lauren knew there was no way she could leave her on her own she would have to stay and tend bar with her. Now she had to phone Camila and cancel their plans for tonight.

Camila picked up the phone after a couple of rings "Hey Lo when you coming home I'm all lonely here" she said.

Lauren felt awful she knew Camila had things planned for both of them. She was only supposed to go in for a couple of hours. "I'm really sorry Camz, but I have to stay a few of the bar staff rang in sick, and I have to stay and tend the bar" Lauren replied. There was silence on the other end of the line Lauren knew she was still there she could hear her breathing. "I will make it up to you. I promise, you know I would rather be there with you."

"It's fine. I will see you later," she said as she put the phone down. Lauren listened to the dialling tone for a few seconds before she switched it off. She put the phone down on her desk as she sighed. She hated disappointing Camila, but there was nothing she could do. She grabbed an apron and stuck the phone in her back pocket as she left her office.

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