I continue reading the papers despite the glare. After some time, I begin discussing the conditions outlined in the contract.

Most of the conditions were straightforward: we were not to interfere with each other's personal lives or develop feelings for each other during the contract period, and we must not engage in extramarital affairs. However, there were a few issues that required clarification.

I gestured towards one of the clauses that I had mentioned earlier and drew the Duke's attention to it. "This particular clause states that I am not required to deal with any matters pertaining to the dukedom," I explained. However, before I could finish my sentence, the Duke interrupted me with a mocking tone, "What do you know about managing a state? You'll receive a monthly allowance, and if that's not enough, just tell me how much you need."

'This asshole... Take a deep breath and stay calm. This deal is crucial, so let's focus on how we can make it work.'

"As you mentioned, I won't have to do any work, but what about public opinion? If they were to find out, how would you manage it?"

I raised an eyebrow and continued, "You know that an incompetent duchess won't last long. Pressure will come from the household vessels, won't it?"

""Listen up," said the duke firmly. "This is how it's going to go down. You don't need to stick around for long. We'll have to put on a show and act like a married couple in public for one year, got it?"

I asked, "And what about the paperwork?"

"Once I review them, all you have to do is sign on the dotted line. Got that too?" replied the duke in a confident tone.

As time passed, I noticed a change in his behavior. He became increasingly impolite and offensive. I decided to lay out the terms clearly, "Alright, after the divorce is finalized, you will transfer a piece of land under my name, and the money you owe me as dowry will be paid in full. I also require a house to live in," I said, tapping my finger on the papers on the table to emphasize my point. "It's essential that we have no further interactions and go our separate ways."

"I need you to take on the role of my wife and the Duchess of Dragun as required; be careful not to compromise the honor of Dragun," the duke demanded.

"You mean in public events such as tea parties or balls, right? Don't worry, I understand my responsibilities well," I replied arrogantly.

As we discussed the timeline for our agreement, dawn had already approached.

"I wish you all the best for this year," he said as he rose from his seat.

"Same to you," I responded with a smile.

He opened the door and then, fixing me with a piercing gaze, he asked in a low, almost menacing voice, "What changed you?"

I strained to hear his words, but they were so faint that I had to ask, "What did you say?"

"Nothing," he said dismissively, turning to leave the room.

But before he could go, I decided to put him in his place. "Oh, and by the way, I didn't expect anything from you. You're not my type," I said, a sardonic smirk playing on my lips.

With a loud thud, he slammed the door shut, unable to contain his anger.

As I gazed out the window, I couldn't help but notice the stunning sight that was unfolding before my eyes. The time was already the "blue hour", the period of twilight before sunrise and after sunset when the sky takes on a blue hue. The sky was gradually being painted with a beautiful shade of red, creating a mesmerizing contrast with the blue light that was scattered throughout the atmosphere.

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