1) A child

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I tossed the crumpled papers at the door in a rage-filled thrust then smacked the innocent desk with all my might. Whack!

    "Bloody hell Jackson!" I cursed myself at the terrifying revelation those DNA papers had held.
How reckless had I been to allow this to happen?

      A child?
But that wasn't the worst part. The mother was the major thorn under my skin...Pattie.

One slight mistake was all I had done. A mistake Pattie had orchestrated by having my whisky spiked. That was all it took for her to take advantage of me. I had woken up the next morning with her naked on my bed.

I smacked the desk again, wishing it was my head I was giving such blows. Maybe I would reverse time and not fall for that she-devil's trap.

But it was already done. And she was two months pregnant with my child.

     A knock from the other side of the door interrupted my self-scolding moment. It swung open and I could tell who it was before even laying eyes on him. Only one person had such permission to walk in my office without me answering a knock...Stan Bert.


I raised my head, only to meet his concerned yet solid gaze trained on me.

   "She is indeed carrying my child." I breathed, then swung my body on the swivel chair.

"Do you need me to take care of-"
One sharp glare was all it took to silence him. "Sorry Sir." He lowered his eyes, but maintained his bold masculine posture standing there.

Ah! The strong attitude, just like his father Steve. He'd be so proud of how much his boy had grown over the last three years since he bid the world an unexpected goodbye.

    I swore to protect and raise him as I would raise my little brother.

"Any news on Annie?"

A look of discomfort flashed Stan's face.

   He pinned his brown eyes on me and gave an answer. "None Sir. She has been keen on the people around her. Only interacting with those that she trusts."

My heart clenched.
"You mean Paul?"

It had been five years already, why hadn't she bothered to see me even once?
   For five years, I had waited for her. Never dared to love another. The only thing I did was fucking, but cautiously and rarely. In five years I had had sex only nine times(ten if I counted Patricia).
Whenever I fucked, I never wanted to see the girl's face and always had them wear a mask that could also blindfold them. I wasn't interested in making any eye contact, or even having them fall in love with me. It had been only sex, and nothing else.




It had been five whole years.


How much the world around me had changed. And how much I, had changed.

After leaving California, Paul, Daisy and I took shelter in London under the Mafia group called Order of Lucifer. For a whole two years, I trained vigorously for I knew that my life depended on it.

My hands hardened, and my fist toughened.

   Even my soul went cold.
It would be a fight for survival.
A fight for vengeance.

And when I was ready, I jetted back in California under a new name, Sabrina Michaels.
Annie was long dead. The innocent part of me vanished when I made my first kill. I stained my hands with blood.

       In three years, I had killed over a hundred people. Tortured twice that number. I overturned Black Blood with a furious fist by infiltrating their inner circle through the most obvious trap...women.

To make the mission a success, I had personally put myself as the bait. Of course none of those old farts suspected that someone as sweet-looking as me would turn out to be their end. It had been a little easier snaking my way in the organization than I anticipated. But the major challenges followed after I snatched a part of the organization.

       Chaos and bloodshed engulfed Black Blood for two fucking years. And each time I went through a war, I knew it could possibly be my last.

In the end, I managed to grab half of the organization. With the other half being ruled by another heir, Noah Bass.
   The war wasn't over yet.
But at least some peace had started reigning in my territory and my subordinates had submitted to my rule.


     Paul pressed the mouth of his gun inside the enemy's mouth, then turned his eyes at me for an order.

I chuckled walking from the door and inside the dungeon or as they loved to call it, the slaughter house.
  It was a real dungeon from the eighteens. And the house above was built over it without the owners ever bothering to demolish it.

       For over five decades, the Black Blood had used the house and the dungeons to imprison and also kill anyone that needed to be killed.
This, was the life I had automatically chosen. But I knew I still had a lot of work cut out for me if I was to change the reputation of the group.

   For one, I abolished human trafficking from my side. But with Noah still holding on to the old rules, my efforts weren't bearing much. I still had to have the other half and rule over the entire organization or die trying.

This was for my dad and mom that died in the hands of the blood thirsty warlords.
   And for myself.
For if I was to match Jackson Raynatt's Shadows, I had to have it all.

    "Do it." I grinned and Paul pulled the trigger.

Blood and tiny pieces of brain splattered all over the wall behind the corpse tied on the wooden chair. Some stained the white bulb hanging from the ceiling.

   Paul threw the gun on the floor covered with a protective layer just like the walls. This made it easier for the cleaning crew to take care of the messes left behind.

He walked over to where I stood wearing an evil grin.

   Just like me, he had also changed, both physically and psychologically.

     "Daisy is waiting." I reminded when he started giving me the seductive gaze.

In five years, I had succumbed into temptation at least twice and with the same man... Paul.

Other than that, my mind had been solely focused on the ongoing battles and the vengeance which I had accomplished with the help of Paul and Daisy as my most trusted warlords.

    But in the last fight five months ago, Daisy had a terrible accident that left her in a coma. We made sure to visit her at least twice a week.

*****Hey there again. Welcome back to this love/crime/hate/betrayal rollercoaster.

*****Note; give my new book, "Dark Love" a try if you love possessive men and a silly virgin female lead((28/12/23))****

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