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"Hey Channie, what's up?" Seungmin asked as he walked into their room, just coming back from vocal practice. But he immediately noticed the nervous look on his face, "Chan? Is something wrong?"

"Um baby..I have-well, let's go on a walk." He grabbed his hand and out they went again.

"Chan, what is going on."

"Let's just go." The older didn't really leave any room for questioning, so Seungmin just went with it and let Chan drag him all the way out to the car.

Chan started driving, seemingly random, until they made it to a small parking lot, with only one other car in it. In front of the parking lot stood a small forest, only beautiful trees and wildflowers seen in the distance. "Bangchan, what is going on, really. You have been silent the whole drive, you're worrying me."

Though still nervous, Chan turned to him with loving eyes. "Minnie, don't be worried, I just want to go on a walk with you, yeah?" Seungmin nodded, but he knew that Chan was planning on saying something, though he didn't know what.

The younger let Chan lead him into the woods, on a small path that eventually got even smaller, to the point it was hardly a path, more just slightly walked on grass. "People must not come here often, huh?"

"Yea, that's why I took you here, I didn't want it to be too crowded, you know?" Seungmin nodded and held on tight to Chan's hand, until they reached a bench next to a small stream, and sat down.

"Wow, it's beautiful." Seungmin said, referring to the sun shining through the trees and onto the rocks and water.

"Yeah, almost as beautiful as you, but not quite, nothing could really be that amazing." Seungmin's cheeks were painted red after that remark.

"Why did you take me here, really?"

"Well, I was wondering. Did you ever call your parents asking to stay from the party?"

Seungmin nodded. "I couldn't get out of it, no matter how hard I tried. They're already mad I skipped it last year, and they're also mad that I never go to see them, blaming it on my job, that they never really approved of in the first place." He said, getting sadder with every word that came out of his mouth.

Bangchan took Seungmins hand, but he didn't look at Chan. "Minnie, I got an invite." It took Seungmin a couple seconds to process that, and when he did, he turned to Chan excitedly.

"You did!?" He said, smiling, and Chan just nodded. Seungmin reached over and pulled him into a tight hug. "How?!" He said, still not fully believing it, honestly.

"Well, I called your mom, actually. She really liked me, and she invited me to her party. She told me all about it too. It sounds really fun." Suengmin was starstruck.

"You talked to my mom?" He said, pulling away.

"Yes, she was confused at first, but we got along quite well. I hope that's ok."

"That's great! I can't believe it!" Seungmin said, still so happy and excited, and Chan found it absolutely adorable. He grabbed Seungmins cheek, who froze in place before turning to him, as he leaned closer to Seungmins face, kissing him softly. When he pulled away he smiled at Suengmins pink cheeks then pinched them.

"You're so cute, you know that? I actually have one more surprise for you, do you wanna see?"

Seungmin nodded, still thinking about the sweet kiss. He didn't know why he couldn't get his mind off of it, it wasn't like they hadn't kissed before, but it seemed special somehow.

Seungmin didn't even notice as Chan stood up in front of him. He only realized when Chan pulled something out of his pocket, as he turned his face towards Chan and looked at his curled up fist.

"Seungmin, I just, I just wanted to say this to you." Seungmin was already blushing, as well as Bangchan. "You should to know that I want to be with you forever. I really love you so much, I don't even quite understand it, I've never felt this way for anyone, but that doesn't matter. I know that I never want to leave you, and I never want you to leave me. No matter what we have to go through, whether if it's dealing with your parents, or JYP, or the entire world, I can do it, as long as I have you."

He uncurled his fists and took a small, delicate looking bracelet out of his palm and held it up to Seungmin. Though thin, the golden chain looked strong. "I wanted to give you this bracelet, as a promise, a promise that me and you will stay together forever, the same way these chains are bound with one another. A promise that whatever you go through, I will be there next to you, and the same for me. A promise that you will love me the same way I love you. It's okay if you don't accept the bracelet, I get it might be a bit serious for you, and you might still be scared of being with me, but it will always be here if and until you are ready to take it."

Seungmin's eyes were teary, and he was trying his hardest not to cry. Feelings had always been hard for him, expressing things had always been hard, but he cared for Chan, and he knew he had to say so.

"Bangchan, why would you ever think I wouldn't accept this? I will be there next to you, always. I love you so much." Seungmin stood up next to a crying Chan and grabbed his cheeks, wiping the tears off. "I will always love you so much, and my love is only growing every day." He kissed his forehead and held out his hand, smiling trustingly.

Chan started smiling too, still with tears streaming down his cheeks, as he put the bracelet on Seungmin's wrist. The tears started falling from the youngers eyes too, but they were of joy, as were Chans. They looked deep into each other's eyes, still crying helplessly, and hugged each other tight enough you'd think it was there last chance to do so.

Seungmin was holding Chan's shirt tightly, and Chan had his arms wrapped around Seungmin just as tight.

They stayed there for a long time, in thought about everything, and in the arms of each other, not wanting to leave. But eventually, they had to pull away from the caring embrace. Chan wiped one last tear off Seungmin's cheek. It honestly broke both their hearts seeing each other like that, but it was okay, they would make it together.

I'm too tired to actually make an a/n so goodnight, I hope you liked it! Lots of chanmin in the upcoming chapters

Bye everyoneeee <3

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