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    Hyunjin kept yelling as all four of them entered the living room. The moment Chan saw Yongjun hurt the way he was, he grabbed Hyunjin's shoulder and shook it. "Calm down!" Hyunjin looked at him with rage in his eyes.

Chan didn't know what happened, but he knew that Hyunjin wouldn't overreact, so whatever did happen must've been bad. So turned to Yongjun, who was looking at Hyunjin with fear in his eyes. "Hyunjin, would you mind telling me what happened?" Chan asked, trying to calm his voice but still have authority in it. Hyunjin just pushed his hand off his shoulder and ran into his room, so instead, Chan went to Yongjun, though he wasn't the most reliable source of information.

As soon as Hyunjin got into the bedroom, he ran to Felix, who was still sitting on the floor sobbing. He just pulled him into his arms, while the younger tried to stop crying, but he couldn't. It took about five minutes for him to calm down enough for Hyunjin to ask, "What happened, exactly?" He said it in a patient and loving voice, no anger or jealousy, maybe a bit of worry he was trying to hide.

Felix's eyes started tearing up again. "Yongbok, I promise I won't get mad, I just want to know." The boy nodded and took a deep breath before telling him everything, from when Yongjun walked into the bathroom to when Hyunjin came in.

By the end of it, he was sobbing again, and Hyunjin was hugging him, trying to comfort him. "I'm so sorry I left you. I should've stayed here with you, anything can happen. I promise I won't leave you again from now on, ok?" Felix nodded while sniffing. Hyunjin noticed how cold he was getting and sat him up. "Yongbokie, let's get you some clothes on before you catch a cold, ok?" He nodded again and let Hyunjin lift him up and take him to the dresser.

    He got him dressed as quickly as possible, and sat him down on the bed. "Felix, please tell me what's going on. Why are you so silent?" Felix waited a minute, contemplating things, before he spoke.

"A-aren't you mad? I let him kiss me, and he saw me in the bathtub."

"I'm more than just mad baby, but only at that idiot, I could never be mad at you. It wasn't your fault, you know that right? You didn't do anything, it was all him. Don't feel guilty, please." Felix smiled slightly.

"Thank you." He said. "I really just want to forget this whole night."

"I completely understand. I'm sorry it's been so hard for you." The older smiled at Felix comfortingly.

"It's ok... What happened in there by the way?"

    Hyunjin stood up quickly. He had completely forgotten that the others walked in on that. "I think I should go check on everyone." He started to leave but Felix stopped him.

"Bring me please." He whined. Hyunjin just held out his hand. Felix grabbed it gently and allowed himself to be pulled up.

"Does it still hurt bad to walk?"

"It's been better, but it hurt a lot after, well, you know."

"Yea, I get it." He grabbed his waist and walked towards the door.

    They walked into the living room where everyone was already sitting down, even Changbin and Jeongin, who looked very confused. Hyunlix decided to sit on the floor, because the only open space on the couch was next to Yongjun.

Bangchan just looked at them. "Tell me what happened." He was pissed, trying his hardest to be calm, but failing pretty badly. Seungmin started rubbing his arm to help him tone down his anger, but it worked only slightly, and he was still very mad.

Hyunjin went on to tell his and Felix's side of the story. When he finished, Bangchan looked at Yongjun and stood up angrily.

"Why is their story so much different from yours!?" He yelled.

"Um, maybe they're lying or something." Yongjun replied nervously, with practically no shame.

Bangchan looked at Felix's red, puffy eyes, and knew he had been crying a lot. "So you're saying you didn't try to harass Yongbok!?" He was still standing directly in front of Yongjun, yelling loud enough their neighbors might hear.

"Y-yes. I-I would n-never harass anyone, e-especially not my own hyung and friend." Felix glared at him.

"Don't call me that." He said, earning a proud, and still worried look from Hyunjin. Yongjun would not admit to what he did, even though everyone, literally everyone, knew he did it. Pretty soon, he passed out on the couch from exhaustion, luckily before Bangchan hurt him.

Felix was tearing up, and Hyunjin noticed it immediately. "Don't cry Yongbokie, it's ok." He just cried softly in Hyunjins arms, and everyone else became sad, especially knowing that their sunshine had almost been sexually harassed.

"Everyone, it's high time you went to bed." Chan said seriously, still in a yelling tone, but everyone knew it was just because he was mad at Yongjun. All the members wanted to object, thinking they hadn't solved the particular problem, but they knew that Chan would deal with it.

Seungmin helped Jeongin up as Changbin got up as well. Next, Minho and Jisung got up, not before stopping next to Felix and giving him a hug. I.N and Changbin went over too and hugged Felix. After they had all gone to their rooms, Bangchan went over to Hyunjin and Felix.

"Are you guys ok?" All the anger was replaced with worry for his younger brother. Felix slowly looked up and smiled weakly.

"We're fine." Chan looked at him, unconvinced.

"Don't worry about it, I'll deal with him, ok?"

"Thank you hyung. I'm sorry for bothering you guys about it."

"No, you weren't."

"Baby! Don't say that!" Hyunjin and Bangchan spoke at the same time.

"You aren't bothering anyone, and we all want to know what's going on with you. Don't feel bad, got it?" Chan sounded serious, yet sincere.

Hyunjin helped him stand up and they thanked him as they walked to their room.

😭😭😭😭😭seriously I feel bad for Yongbokie but I'm literally the one who wrote this wthhhhhhhhh ughhhhh!!!! I officially hate Yongjun, even tho he came from my imagination. Omo I just realized, if Yongjun is actually an idols name I'm sorry it's completely coincidental!

Anygays I hope you liked it even tho it's sad! Bye everyoneeee <3

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