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(With Minsung)
After the two hugged Felix and gave their condolences in a sense, they went to their room. "I feel so bad, I wish we could have stopped that." Jisung said sadly.

"I know. I mean I knew Yongjun was bad the moment I saw him, but really? Harassing someone? Especially Felix." Minho made eye contact and within the two seconds he was looking, he saw the fear in Jisungs eyes, as he ran over to him.

"Don't be scared baby, I won't ever let him near you, I promise." Before Jisung could respond, Minho pulled him into a hug.

"I-I'm not scared." He said into Minho's shoulder.

"You can't lie to me Sungie." Jisung sat there for a moment.

"Y-you won't let him touch me, right?"

"I won't even let him look at you." Minho replied, stroking his hair. Jisung just held tightly to him, and Minho held him protectively. Then he grabbed Jisungs legs and picked him up, holding onto his thighs as he snuggled into his neck. Minho walked to the bathroom and sat Jisung on the counter, and he just whined in response.

"Baby I can't hold you while we brush our teeth." Jisung again, instead of using words, just pouted cutely. Minho gave in easily after that and picked him up again.

He giggled adorably in response, and Minho tried not to smile and blush at the cute younger. Jisung again laid down on his shoulder and snuggled into his neck while Minho got his toothbrush out and began brushing his teeth. He finished brushing and put his stuff away soon after.

"Your turn baby."

"I don't want tooooo!" he whined, and Minho fought the urge to just leave it be and go to bed, as Jisung still held tightly to him. He rolled his eyes, while still smiling uncontrollably, and got Jisungs toothbrush out. He put toothpaste on it and distorted his body a bit so he could hold it up to his mouth. Jisung shook his head and pouted, but Minho wasn't gonna let him not brush his teeth, so he set him down on the counter causing him to whine. While he was whining, Minho put the toothbrush into his mouth and started brushing his teeth for him.

Jisung wanted to object, but couldn't because he actually enjoyed it. He liked being taken care of by Minho. The older kept brushing his teeth for a couple more minutes until he stopped and said, "Wash out your mouth now."

He shook his head again which caused Minho to pull him off the counter and into his arms. He held Jisungs waist tightly while he blushed. "I said, wash out your mouth. Now." He said it seriously, but not in a mad way. This time Jisung didn't object. He quickly turned on the faucet and began swishing water in his mouth while Minho just smirked. Jisung honestly liked this sort of controlling side of Minho. He found it hot, and he loved feeling like the baby, very submissive, or more feeling like Lee Know's baby.

As soon as he finished, he turned to Minho and jumped into his arms again. "Don't make me leave this time." He said pouting.

"Don't worry, I won't. Let's sleep now, I know you're tired." Jisung nodded in response and held on tight to Minho as he walked out of the bathroom and towards the bed. He first went to turn the lamp off, while still holding Jisung. The small boy was getting a bit heavy but Minho didn't care, he could carry Jisung forever.

As soon as the lamp was off, he turned to the bed and sat on it carefully. Then, slowly and steadily, he laid down. At this point Jisung was laying on top of him, his face still buried deep in Minho's neck.He patted his head softly as they both drifted calmly to sleep.

Idek anymore...bye everyone <3

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